4. The Curve file format

A curve file is a text file for specifying 1D curves. It consists of one or more comment lines with meta data about the curve followed by the coordinates. The comment lines start with either a # or % character. Comment lines consist of keyword / value pairs. Supported keywords are CYCLE and TIME. The last comment line contains the name of the curve. The coordinates are provided one point per line. Both Cartesian and Polar coordinates are supported. Cartesion coordinates are assumed by default. This can be overriden with options to the Curve plot. A curve file may contain multiple curves per file.

Here is a sample curve file.

#TIME 2.5
#Max density vs time
0. 1.
1. 1.1
2. 1.2
3. 1.3
4. 1.4
5. 1.6
#TIME 2.5
#Max pressure vs time
0. 2.
1. 2.2
2. 2.4
3. 2.5
4. 2.6
5. 2.8