2. Startup Options

You can get help on starting VisIt with the commands

visit -help
visit -fullhelp

For convenience, the output from visit -fullhelp is shown below.

USAGE: visit [options]:

Interface options
    -gui                 Run with the Graphical User Interface (default).
    -cli                 Run with the Command Line Interface.

Movie making options
    -movie               Run the CLI in a movie making mode. Must be
                         combined with -sessionfile. Will produce a simple
                         movie by drawing all the plots in the specified
                         session for every timestep of the database.

Startup options
    -o <filename>        Open the specified data file at startup.
    -s <filename>        Run the specified VisIt script.
    -sessionfile <filename>  Open the specified session file at startup
                         Note that this argument only takes effect with
                         -gui or -movie.
    -config <filename>   Initialize the viewer at startup using the named
                         config file.  If an absolute path is not given,
                         the file is assumed to be in the .visit directory.
    -noconfig            Don't process configuration files at startup.
    -launchengine <host> Launch an engine at startup. The <host> parameter
                         is optional. If it is not specified, the engine
                         will be launched on the local host. If you wish
                         to launch an engine on a remote host, specify
                         the host's name as the <host> parameter.
    -nosplash            Do not display the splash screen at startup.

Window options
    -small               Use a smaller desktop area/window size.
    -geometry <spec>     What portion of the screen to use.  This is a
                         standard X Windows geometry specification. This
                         option can be used to set the size of images
                         generated from scripts and movies.

    -viewer_geometry <spec> What portion of the screen the viewer windows
                            will use. This is a standard X Windows geometry
                            specification. This option overrides the
                            -geometry option that the GUI passes to the

    -window_anchor <x,y> The x,y position on the screen where VisIt's GUI
                         will show its windows (Main window excluded).
    -style <style>       One of: windows,cde,motif,sgi.
    -locale <locale>     The locale that you want VisIt to use when displaying
                         translated menus and controls. VisIt will use the
                         default locale if the -locale option is not
    -background <color>  Background color for GUI.
    -foreground <color>  Foreground color for GUI.
    -nowin               Run with viewer windows off-screen (i.e. OSMesa).
                         This is typically used with the -cli option.
    -stereo              Enable active stereo, also known as the
                         page-flipping, or 'CrystalEyes' mode.
    -nowindowmetrics     Prevents X11 from grabbing and moving a test
                         widget used in calculating window borders. This
                         option can be useful if VisIt hangs when
                         displaying to an Apple X-server.

Version options
    -version             Do NOT run VisIt. Just print the current version.
    -git_version         Do NOT run VisIt. Just print the Git version it
                         was built from.
    -beta                Run the current beta version.
    -v <version>         Run a specified version. Specifying 2 digits,
                         such as X.Y, will run the latest patch release
                         for that version. Specifying 3 digits, such as
                         X.Y.Z, will run that specific version.

Other resources for help
    run-time:            While running VisIt, look under the "Help" menu.
    on-line:             https://visit-help.llnl.gov

                          ADDITIONAL OPTIONS

Parallel launch options
    Notes: All of these options are ordinarily obtained from host profiles.
    However, the command line options override anything in the profiles.

    When parallel arguments are added but the engine is not the
    component being launched, -launchengine is implied.  Explicitly
    add -launchengine to launch a remote parallel engine.
    -setupenv            Use the VisIt script to set up the environment
                         for the engine on the compute nodes.
    -par                 Run the parallel version. This option is implied
                         by any of the other parallel options listed below.
    -l    <method>       Launch in parallel using the given method.
    -pl   <method>       Launch only the engine in parallel as specified.
    -la   <args>         Additional arguments for the parallel launcher.
    -sla  <args>         Additional arguments for the parallel sub-launcher.
    -np   <# procs>      The number of processors to use.
    -nn   <# nodes>      The number of nodes to allocate.
    -p    <part>         Partition to run in.
    -n    <name>         The parallel job name.
    -b    <bank>         Bank from which to draw resources.
    -t    <time>         Maximum job run time.
    -machinefile <file>  Machine file.
    -expedite            Makes DPCS give priority scheduling.

    -icet                In scalable rendering mode, use the IceT parallel
                         image compositor (default).
    -no-icet             Do not use the IceT parallel compositor.

Hardware accelerated parallel (scalable) rendering options
    Notes: These options should only be used with parallel clusters that
    have graphics cards.  If you are using a serial version of VisIt, you
    are already getting hardware acceleration and these options are not
    needed.  Furthermore, you must be in scalable rendering mode for VisIt
    to utilize a cluster's GPUs.  By default, VisIt is configured to
    switch into scalable rendering mode when rendering complexity exceeds
    a predefined limit.

    VisIt can manage the creation and tear down of X servers for you.  It
    will do this automatically if you specify the -launch-x parameter,
    but you can customize the process with the -x-args and -display
    parameters, which respect %l and %n format specifiers.

    -hw-accel              Tells VisIt that it should use graphics cards.
    -n-gpus-per-node <int> Number of GPUs per node of the cluster (1).
    -launch-x              Tell VisIt to manage the X servers
    -no-launch-x           Let the cluster manager X servers [default]
    -display               Tells VisIt which display to use.
    -x-args '<string>'     Extra arguments to X server.

Load balance options
    Note: Each time VisIt executes a pipeline the relevant domains for the
    execution are assigned to processors. This list of domains is sorted in
    increasing global domain number. The options below effect how domains
    in this list are assigned to processors. Assuming there are D domains
    and P processors...
    -lb-block            Assign the first D/P domains to processor 0, the
                         next D/P domains to processor 1, etc.
    -lb-stride           Assign every Pth domain starting from the first
                         to processor 0, every Pth domain starting from the
                         second to processor 1, etc.
    -lb-absolute         Assign domains by absolute domain number % P. This
                         guarantees a given domain is always processed
                         by the same processor but can also lead to poor
                         balance when only a subset of domains is selected.
    -lb-random           Randomly assign domains to processors.
    -allowdynamic        Dedicate one processor to spreading the work
                         dynamically among the other processors.  This mode
                         has limitations in the types of queries it can
                         perform.  Under development.
    -lb-stream           Similar to -lb-block, but have the domains travel
                         down the pipeline one at a time, instead of all
                         together.  Under development.

Database differencing options
    Use the '-diff <ldb> <rdb>' option to run VisIt in a database
    differencing mode. VisIt will generate expressions to facilitate
    visualization and analysis of the difference between the left-database,
    <ldb>, and right-database, <rdb>. VisIt will open windows to display
    both the left and right databases as well as their difference.

    VisIt uses the Cross-Mesh Field Evaluation (CMFE) expression functions
    to help generate these differences. A CMFE function creates an instance
    of a variable from another (source) mesh on the specified (destination)
    mesh. VisIt can use two variants of CMFE expression functions depending
    on how similar the source and destination meshes are; connectivity-based
    (conn_cmfe) which assumes the underlying mesh(s) for the left and right
    databases have identical connectivity and position-based (pos_cmfe) which
    does not make this assumption. VisIt will attempt to automatically select
    which variant of CMFE expression to use based on some simple heuristics.
    For meshes with identical connectivity, conn_cmfe expressions are
    preferrable because they are higher performance and do not require VisIt
    to perform any interpolation. In fact, the conn_cmfe operation is
    perfectly anti-symmetric. That is <ldb> - <rdb> = -(<rdb> - <ldb>).
    The same cannot be said for pos_cmfe expressions. However, pos_cmfe
    expressions will attempt to generate useful results regardless of the
    similarity of the underlying meshes.

    Note that the differences VisIt will compute in this mode are single
    precision. This is true regardless of whether the input data is itself
    double precision. VisIt will convert double precision to single
    precision before processing it. Although this is a result of earlier
    visualization-specific design requirements and constraints, the intention
    is that eventually double precision will be supported.

    Finally, be sure to bring up Controls->Macros in the GUI to find a set
    of useful operations specifically tailored to database differencing. Also,
    typing 'help()' (including the '()') at the python prompt after starting
    'visit -diff' will generate a more detailed help message.

    -diff <ldb> <rdb>    Indicate you wish to run VisIt in database
                         differencing mode and specify the two databases
                         to difference.

                         Note: All options occurring on the command-line
                         *after* the '-diff' option are treated as options
                         to the differencing script while all options
                         occurring *before* the '-diff' option are treated
                         as options to VisIt.

    -diffsum <ldb> <rdb> Run only the difference summary method of the
                         'visit -diff' script, in nowin mode so its fast,
                         print the results, and immediately exit.

    -force_pos_cmfe      Force use of position-based CMFE expressions.

Advanced options
    -guesshost           Try to guess the client host name from one of
                         the SSH_CLIENT, SSH2_CLIENT, or SSH_CONNECTION
                         environment variables.
    -noloopback          Disable use of the loopback device.
    -sshtunneling        Tunnel all remote connections through ssh.  NOTE:
                         this overrides values set in the host profiles.
    -noint               Disable interruption capability.
    -nopty               Run without PTYs.
    -norun <compname>    Don't run the specified component, but instead
                         print the environment variables to set and the
                         command to run when launching a specific
                         component. For example, '-norun engine_par' will
                         show the full launch command for the parallel
                         engine without executing it.
    -verbose             Prints status information during pipeline
    -dir <directory>     Run a version of VisIt in the specified directory.
                         The directory argument should specify the
                         path to a VisIt installation directory.
                         /bin is automatically appended to this path.
    -forceversion <ver>  Force the given version.  Overrides all
                         intelligent version selection logic.
    -publicpluginsonly   Disable all plugins but the default ones.
    -compiler <cc>       Require version built with the specified compiler.
    -objectmode <mode>   Require a specific object file mode.
    -forceinteractivecli Force the CLI to behave interactively, even if run
                         with no terminal; similar to python's '-i' flag.
    -fullscreen          Create the viewer window in full screen mode.
                         May not be compatible with all window managers.
    -viewerdisplay <dpy> Have the viewer use a different display than the
                         current value of DISPLAY.  Can be useful for
                         power wall displays with a separate console.
    -cycleregex <string> A regex-style regular expression to be used
                         in extracting cycle numbers from file names. It
                         is best to bracket this string in single
                         quotes (') to avoid shell interpretation of
                         special characters such as star (*). The format
                         of the string begins with an opening '<' character,
                         followed by the regular expression itself followed
                         by a closing '>' character, optionally followed by
                         a space ' ' character and sub-expression reference
                         to indicate which part of the regular expression is
                         the cycle number.  Default behavior is as if
                         -cycleregex '<([0-9]+)[^0-9]*\$> \\0'
                         was specified meaning the last sequence of one
                         or more digits before the end of the string found
                         is used as the cycle number. Do a 'man 7 regex'
                         to get more information on regular expression
    -ui-bcast-thresholds <int1> <int2>
                         Two integers controlling behavior of parallel
                         engine waiting in a broadcast for the next RPC
                         from the viewer. VisIt used to rely solely upon
                         MPI_Bcast for this. However, many implementations
                         of MPI_Bcast use a polling loop that winds up
                         keeping all processors busy and can make them
                         unuseable by other processes. This is particularly
                         bad for SMPs. So, VisIt implemented its own
                         broadcast using MPI's send/receive methods. <int1>
                         specifies the number of nanoseconds a processor
                         sleeps while polling for completion of the
                         broadcast. Specifying a value of zero (0) for <int1>
                         results in falling back to older behavior using
                         MPI's MPI_Bcast. <int1> effectively controls how
                         'busy' processors will be, polling for completion
                         of the broadcast. <int2> specifies the number of
                         seconds all processors should spin, polling as fast
                         as possible, checking for completion of the
                         broadcast BEFORE inserting sleeps into their
                         polling loops. <int2> effectively controls how
                         many seconds VisIt's server will be maximally
                         responsive (although also keeping all processors
                         occupied) before becoming more 'friendly' to
                         other processes on the same node. The defaults
                         are <int1> = 50000000 nanoseconds (1/20th of a sec)
                         and <int2> = 5 seconds meaning VisIt will spin
                         processors maximally for 5 seconds before inserting
                         sleeps such that polling happens at the rate of 20
                         times per second.
    -idle-timeout <int>  An integer representing the number of minutes an
                         engine is allowed to idle (e.g. sit there doing no
                         execution whatsoever, waiting for commands from
                         the viewer). If this timeout is reached, the engine
                         will terminate itself. The default is 480 minutes
                         (8 hours).
    -exec-timeout <int>  An integer representing the number of minutes an
                         executing engine is allowed to remain in the
                         execution of any single command from the viewer.
                         If this timeout is reached, the engine will
                         terminate itself. the default is 30 minutes.
                         Beware that among other things, this timeout
                         effects how long orphaned parallel processes will
                         hang around, tying up parallel compute resources,
                         following an exit-triggering error condition on
                         any one process.

Developer options (most for xml2... tools)
    -public              xml2cmake: force install plugins publicly
    -private             xml2cmake: force install plugins privately
    -clobber             Permit xml2... tools to overwrite old files
    -noprint             Silence debugging output from xml2... tools
    -outputtoinputdir    Force xml2... tools to write output files to
                         the directory containing the input XML file
    -arch                print supported architecture(s) and exit

Debugging options
    Note: Debugging options may degrade performance
    -debug <level>       Run with <level> levels of output logging.
                         <level> must be between 1 and 5. This will generate
                         debug logs (called 'vlogs' for ALL components.
                         Note that debug logs are unbuffered. However, if
                         you also specify 'b' immediately after the digit
                         indicating the debug level (e.g. '-debug 3b'), the
                         logs will be buffered. This can substantially improve
                         performance when a lot of debug output is generated.
                         However, also beware that when debug logs are buffered,
                         there isn't necessarily any guarantee they will contain
                         the most recent debug output just prior to a crash.
    -debug_<compname> <level>
                         Run specified component with <level> of output
                         logging. For example, '-debug_mdserver 4' will run
                         the mdserver with level 4 debugging. Multiple
                         '-debug_<compname> <level>' args are allowed.
    -debug_engine_rank <r>
                         Restrict debug output to the specified rank.
    -debug-processor-stride N
                         Have only every Nth processor output debug logs.
                         Prevents overwhelming parallel file systems.
    -clobber_vlogs       By default, VisIt maintains debug logs from the 5
                         most recent invocations or restarts of each VisIt
                         component. They are named something like
                         A.mdserver.5.vlog, A.engine_ser.5.vlog, etc with
                         the leading letter (A-E) indicating most to least
                         recent. The clobber_vlogs flag causes VisIt to remove
                         all debug logs and begin creating them anew.
    -vtk-debug           Turn on debugging of VTK objects used in pipelines.
    -pid                 Append process ids to the names of log files.
    -timing              Save timing data to files.
                         Withhold timing output during execution. Prevents
                         output of timing information from affecting
                         Never output timings files.  This is used when
                         you want the timer to be enabled (for usage by
                         developers to measure inner loops), but you
                         want to avoid blowing memory with the bookkeeping
                         for each and every timing call.
    -timing-processor-stride N
                         Have only every Nth processor output timing info.
                         Prevents overwhelming parallel file systems.
    -env                 Print env. variables VisIt will use when run.
    -dump (dump_dir)     Dump intermediate results from AVT filters,
                         scalably rendered images, and html pages.
                         Takes an optional argument that specifies the
                         directory for -dump output files.
    -info-dump (dump_dir)
                         Dump html pages only.
                         Takes an optional argument that specifies the
                         directory for -info-dump output files.
    -gdb <args> <comp>   Run gdb with <args> on component <comp>.
                         Default <args> is whitespace.
    -break <funcname>    Add the specified breakpoint in gdb.
    -xterm               With -gdb-something, run gdb in an xterm window.
    -newconsole          Run any VisIt component in a new console window.
    -totalview <args> <comp>
                         Run totalview with <args> on component <comp>.
                         Default <args> is whitespace.
    -valgrind <args> <comp>
                         Run valgrind with <args> on component <comp>.
                         Default <args> is --tool=memcheck --error-limit=no
    -strace <args> <comp>
                         Run strace with <args> on component <comp>.
                         Default <args> is -ttt -T.

                         In the above, all arguments between the tool name
                         and the VisIt component name are treated as args
                         to the tool.

    -apitrace <args> <comp>
                         Run apitrace with <args> on component <comp>.
                         Default <args> is trace --api gl.

                         In the above, all arguments between the tool name
                         and the VisIt component name are treated as args
                         to the tool.

    -debug-malloc <args> <comp>
                         Run the component with the libMallocDebug library
                         on MacOS X systems. The libMallocDebug library
                         lets the MallocDebug application attach to the
                         instrumented application and retrieve memory
                         allocation statistics. The -debug-malloc flag
                         also sets up the environment for the leaks and
                         heap tools.

                         Printing heap allocations:
                         % visit -debug-malloc gui &
                         % Get the gui's <pid>
                         % heap <pid>

                         Printing memory leaks:
                         % visit -debug-malloc gui &
                         % Get the gui's <pid>
                         % leaks <pid>

                         Run with MallocDebug:
                         Perl does not seem to be happy with libMallocDebug
                         so you can run the GUI like this:
                         % visit -cli
                         >>> OpenGUI('-debug-malloc', 'MallocDebug', 'gui')
                         Connect to the gui with MallocDebug and do your
    -nsys <args> <comp>
                         Run Nsight Systems cli with <args> on component <comp>.
                         Default <args> are: profile --stats=true --gpu-metrics-device=all

    -numrestarts <#>     Number of attempts to restart a failed engine.
    -quiet               Don't print the Running message.
    -protocol            Print the definitions of the state objects that
                         comprise the VisIt protocol so they can be compared
                         against the values on other computers.