1. Methods of Contact

Methods of contact for help differ in requirements and privacy level. In addition, while we try to accommodate a variety of means of initial contact, anything requiring ongoing dialog must use only a preferred method of communication. Please read about our communication policies for more details.

Method Privacy Requirements Preferred
GitHub Discussion World discoverable / readable Free GitHub account Yes
GitHub Issue World discoverable / readable Free GitHub account Yes
MS Teams Visible only in llnl.gov Access to LLNL networks No
Hotline Telephone Call Same as ordinary telphone call Access to LLNL networks No

In general, coverage is during normal West Coast business hours, 8am-12pm and 1-5pm (GMT-8, San Francisco time zone), Monday through Friday excluding LLNL holidays. Response time may be as much as four hours due to team member’s multi-tasking among many responsibilities.

If you are so inclined, we welcome you to read more about the VisIt project’s Site Reliability Engineering processes to understand how we provide support.