
This program shows how to query metadata for a database and print it to the console. In real applications, of course, you’d do something more constructive with the metadata object such as populate variable menus in a GUI.

Running the program

From a released client to an installed VisIt of the same version:

java -cp . GetMetaData -stay -path /path/to/visit/bin -datapath /path/to/silodata

From a development build/java directory:

java -cp .:visit.jar GetMetaData -stay -dv -datapath /path/to/silodata

Program source code

// Copyright (c) Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other VisIt
// Project developers.  See the top-level LICENSE file for dates and other
// details.  No copyright assignment is required to contribute to VisIt.

import java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;
import llnl.visit.avtDatabaseMetaData;

// ****************************************************************************
// Class: GetMetaData
// Purpose:
//   This example program opens a database and gets the metadata, printing
//   it to the console.
// Notes:
// Programmer: Brad Whitlock
// Creation:   Mon Feb 25 12:01:43 PDT 2008
// Modifications:
// ****************************************************************************

public class GetMetaData extends RunViewer
    public GetMetaData()

    protected void work(String[] args)
        // Try and open a database
        if(viewer.GetViewerMethods().RequestMetaData(viewer.GetDataPath() + "noise.silo",0))
            avtDatabaseMetaData md = viewer.GetViewerState().GetDatabaseMetaData();
            System.out.println("Could not get the metadata for the database!");

    public static void main(String args[])
        GetMetaData r = new GetMetaData();;