
This program shows how to open a file and determine which plots can be used with the data from the file.

Running the program

From a released client to an installed VisIt of the same version:

java -cp . PlotTypes -stay -path /path/to/visit/bin -datapath /path/to/silodata

From a development build/java directory:

java -cp .:visit.jar PlotTypes -stay -dv -datapath /path/to/silodata

Program source code

Each plot in VisIt responds to a certain set of variable types (scalar,vector, and so on). When you open a file, you get a list of variables in the metadata object. You must match up the variable types supported by a plot and the variables from the metadata in order to determine which plots can accept which variables from the database. This example program demonstrates a method for doing this comparison.

Note: the Java implementation does not offer a GetVariableTypes method in the Plugin interface as it should. This is an oversight that may be corrected in a future version of VisIt. In the meantime, this program’s GetVariableTypes method can be used to fulfill the same purpose.

// Copyright (c) Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other VisIt
// Project developers.  See the top-level LICENSE file for dates and other
// details.  No copyright assignment is required to contribute to VisIt.

import java.util.Hashtable;
import llnl.visit.avtDatabaseMetaData;

// ****************************************************************************
// Class: PlotTypes
// Purpose:
//   This is an example program that shows how to determine which plots can
//   accept variables from a file.
// Notes:
// Programmer: Brad Whitlock
// Creation:   Fri Aug 28 09:21:06 PDT 2009
// Modifications:
// ****************************************************************************

public class PlotTypes extends RunViewer
    public PlotTypes()
        savePlots = false;

    public final static int MESH              = 0x0001;
    public final static int SCALAR            = 0x0002;
    public final static int MATERIAL          = 0x0004;
    public final static int VECTOR            = 0x0008;
    public final static int SUBSET            = 0x0010;
    public final static int SPECIES           = 0x0020;
    public final static int CURVE             = 0x0040;
    public final static int TENSOR            = 0x0080;
    public final static int SYMMETRICTENSOR   = 0x0100;
    public final static int LABEL             = 0x0200;
    public final static int ARRAY             = 0x0400;

    // The Plugin interface should have a GetVariableTypes method.
    // For now, this will suffice.
    public int GetVariableTypes(String plotName)
        Hashtable namestovar = new Hashtable();
        namestovar.put("Boundary", new Integer(MATERIAL));
        namestovar.put("Contour", new Integer(SCALAR | SPECIES));
        namestovar.put("Curve", new Integer(CURVE));
        namestovar.put("FilledBoundary", new Integer(MATERIAL));
        namestovar.put("Histogram", new Integer(SCALAR | ARRAY));
        namestovar.put("Kerbel", new Integer(MESH));
        namestovar.put("Label", new Integer(MESH | SCALAR | VECTOR | MATERIAL | SUBSET | TENSOR | SYMMETRICTENSOR | LABEL | ARRAY));
        namestovar.put("Mesh", new Integer(MESH));
        namestovar.put("Molecule", new Integer(SCALAR));
        namestovar.put("MultiCurve", new Integer(CURVE));
        namestovar.put("ParallelCoordinates", new Integer(0)); //SCALAR | ARRAY));
        namestovar.put("Poincare", new Integer(VECTOR));
        namestovar.put("Pseudocolor", new Integer(SCALAR | SPECIES));
        namestovar.put("Scatter", new Integer(SCALAR));
        namestovar.put("Spreadsheet", new Integer(SCALAR));
        namestovar.put("Subset", new Integer(SUBSET | MESH));
        namestovar.put("Surface", new Integer(SCALAR | SPECIES));
        namestovar.put("Tensor", new Integer(TENSOR | SYMMETRICTENSOR));
        namestovar.put("Topology", new Integer(SCALAR));
        namestovar.put("Truecolor", new Integer(VECTOR));
        namestovar.put("Vector", new Integer(VECTOR));
        namestovar.put("Volume", new Integer(SCALAR | SPECIES));
        namestovar.put("WellBore", new Integer(MESH));

        return ((Integer)namestovar.get(plotName)).intValue();

    protected void savePlot(String plotType, String var)
            viewer.GetViewerMethods().AddPlot(plotType, var);

    protected void work(String[] args)
        for(int i = 0; i < viewer.GetNumPlotPlugins(); ++i)
            System.out.println("Plot "+i+": name="+viewer.GetPlotName(i)+", version="+viewer.GetPlotVersion(i));

        for(int i = 0; i < viewer.GetNumOperatorPlugins(); ++i)
            System.out.println("Operator "+i+": name="+viewer.GetOperatorName(i)+", version="+viewer.GetOperatorVersion(i));

        String db = new String(viewer.GetDataPath() + "noise.silo");
        if(viewer.GetViewerMethods().RequestMetaData(db, 0))

            avtDatabaseMetaData md = viewer.GetViewerState().GetDatabaseMetaData();
            for(int i = 0; i < viewer.GetNumPlotPlugins(); ++i)
                System.out.println("\n"+viewer.GetPlotName(i) + " can accept variables:\n=====================================");
                int vartypes = GetVariableTypes(viewer.GetPlotName(i));
                if((vartypes & MESH) > 0)
                    for(int j = 0; j < md.GetNumMeshes(); ++j)
                        savePlot(viewer.GetPlotName(i), md.GetMeshes(j).GetName());
                if((vartypes & SCALAR) > 0)
                    for(int j = 0; j < md.GetNumScalars(); ++j)
                        savePlot(viewer.GetPlotName(i), md.GetScalars(j).GetName());
                if((vartypes & MATERIAL) > 0)
                    for(int j = 0; j < md.GetNumMaterials(); ++j)
                        savePlot(viewer.GetPlotName(i), md.GetMaterials(j).GetName());
                if((vartypes & VECTOR) > 0)
                    for(int j = 0; j < md.GetNumVectors(); ++j)
                        savePlot(viewer.GetPlotName(i), md.GetVectors(j).GetName());
                if((vartypes & SPECIES) > 0)
                    for(int j = 0; j < md.GetNumSpecies(); ++j)
                        savePlot(viewer.GetPlotName(i), md.GetSpecies(j).GetName());
                if((vartypes & CURVE) > 0)
                    for(int j = 0; j < md.GetNumCurves(); ++j)
                        savePlot(viewer.GetPlotName(i), md.GetCurves(j).GetName());
                if((vartypes & TENSOR) > 0)
                    for(int j = 0; j < md.GetNumTensors(); ++j)
                        savePlot(viewer.GetPlotName(i), md.GetTensors(j).GetName());
                if((vartypes & SYMMETRICTENSOR) > 0)
                    for(int j = 0; j < md.GetNumSymmTensors(); ++j)
                        savePlot(viewer.GetPlotName(i), md.GetSymmTensors(j).GetName());
                if((vartypes & LABEL) > 0)
                    for(int j = 0; j < md.GetNumLabels(); ++j)
                        savePlot(viewer.GetPlotName(i), md.GetLabels(j).GetName());
                if((vartypes & ARRAY) > 0)
                    for(int j = 0; j < md.GetNumArrays(); ++j)
                        savePlot(viewer.GetPlotName(i), md.GetArrays(j).GetName());
            System.out.println("Could not open the database!");

    public static void main(String args[])
        PlotTypes r = new PlotTypes();

        for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i)
                r.savePlots = true;

    private boolean savePlots;