VisIt Python (CLI) Interface ManualΒΆ
- Introduction to VisIt
- Python
- Quick Recipes
- Functions
- ActivateDatabase
- AddArgument
- AddMachineProfile
- AddOperator
- AddPlot
- AddWindow
- AlterDatabaseCorrelation
- ApplyNamedSelection
- ChangeActivePlotsVar
- CheckForNewStates
- ChooseCenterOfRotation
- ClearAllWindows
- ClearCache
- ClearCacheForAllEngines
- ClearMacros
- ClearPickPoints
- ClearReferenceLines
- ClearViewKeyframes
- ClearWindow
- CloneWindow
- Close
- CloseComputeEngine
- CloseDatabase
- ColorTableNames
- ConstructDataBinning
- CopyAnnotationsToWindow
- CopyLightingToWindow
- CopyPlotsToWindow
- CopyViewToWindow
- CreateAnnotationObject
- CreateDatabaseCorrelation
- CreateNamedSelection
- DatabasePlugins
- DeIconifyAllWindows
- DefineArrayExpression
- DefineCurveExpression
- DefineMaterialExpression
- DefineMeshExpression
- DefinePythonExpression
- DefineScalarExpression
- DefineSpeciesExpression
- DefineTensorExpression
- DefineVectorExpression
- DeleteActivePlots
- DeleteAllPlots
- DeleteDatabaseCorrelation
- DeleteExpression
- DeleteNamedSelection
- DeletePlotDatabaseKeyframe
- DeletePlotKeyframe
- DeleteViewKeyframe
- DeleteWindow
- DemoteOperator
- DisableRedraw
- DrawPlots
- EnableTool
- ExecuteMacro
- ExportDatabase
- Expressions
- GetActiveContinuousColorTable
- GetActiveDiscreteColorTable
- GetActiveTimeSlider
- GetAnimationAttributes
- GetAnimationTimeout
- GetAnnotationAttributes
- GetAnnotationObject
- GetAnnotationObjectNames
- GetCallbackArgumentCount
- GetCallbackNames
- GetDatabaseNStates
- GetDebugLevel
- GetDefaultFileOpenOptions
- GetDomains
- GetEngineList
- GetEngineProperties
- GetGlobalAttributes
- GetGlobalLineoutAttributes
- GetInteractorAttributes
- GetKeyframeAttributes
- GetLastError
- GetLight
- GetLocalHostName
- GetLocalUserName
- GetMachineProfile
- GetMachineProfileNames
- GetMaterialAttributes
- GetMaterials
- GetMeshManagementAttributes
- GetMetaData
- GetNumPlots
- GetOperatorOptions
- GetPickAttributes
- GetPickOutput
- GetPickOutputObject
- GetPipelineCachingMode
- GetPlotInformation
- GetPlotList
- GetPlotOptions
- GetPreferredFileFormats
- GetQueryOutputObject
- GetQueryOutputString
- GetQueryOutputValue
- GetQueryOutputXML
- GetQueryOverTimeAttributes
- GetQueryParameters
- GetRenderingAttributes
- GetSaveWindowAttributes
- GetSelection
- GetSelectionList
- GetSelectionSummary
- GetTimeSliders
- GetUltraScript
- GetView2D
- GetView3D
- GetViewAxisArray
- GetViewCurve
- GetWindowInformation
- HideActivePlots
- HideToolbars
- IconifyAllWindows
- InitializeNamedSelectionVariables
- InvertBackgroundColor
- Launch
- LaunchNowin
- Lineout
- ListDomains
- ListMaterials
- ListPlots
- LoadAttribute
- LoadNamedSelection
- LoadUltra
- LocalNameSpace
- LongFileName
- MoveAndResizeWindow
- MovePlotDatabaseKeyframe
- MovePlotKeyframe
- MovePlotOrderTowardFirst
- MovePlotOrderTowardLast
- MoveViewKeyframe
- MoveWindow
- NodePick
- NumColorTableNames
- NumOperatorPlugins
- NumPlotPlugins
- OpenComputeEngine
- OpenDatabase
- OpenMDServer
- OperatorPlugins
- OverlayDatabase
- Pick
- PickByGlobalNode
- PickByGlobalZone
- PickByNode
- PickByNodeLabel
- PickByZone
- PickByZoneLabel
- PlotPlugins
- PointPick
- PrintWindow
- PromoteOperator
- PythonQuery
- Queries
- QueriesOverTime
- Query
- QueryOverTime
- ReOpenDatabase
- ReadHostProfilesFromDirectory
- RecenterView
- RedoView
- RedrawWindow
- ReenamePickLabel
- RegisterCallback
- RegisterMacro
- RemoveAllOperators
- RemoveLastOperator
- RemoveMachineProfile
- RemoveOperator
- RemovePicks
- ReplaceDatabase
- ResetLineoutColor
- ResetOperatorOptions
- ResetPickLetter
- ResetPlotOptions
- ResetView
- ResizeWindow
- RestoreSession
- RestoreSessionWithDifferentSources
- SaveAttribute
- SaveNamedSelection
- SaveSession
- SaveWindow
- SendSimulationCommand
- SetActiveContinuousColorTable
- SetActiveDiscreteColorTable
- SetActivePlots
- SetActiveTimeSlider
- SetActiveWindow
- SetAnimationTimeout
- SetAnnotationAttributes
- SetBackendType
- SetCenterOfRotation
- SetColorTexturingEnabled
- SetCreateMeshQualityExpressions
- SetCreateTimeDerivativeExpressions
- SetCreateVectorMagnitudeExpressions
- SetDatabaseCorrelationOptions
- SetDebugLevel
- SetDefaultAnnotationAttributes
- SetDefaultFileOpenOptions
- SetDefaultInteractorAttributes
- SetDefaultMaterialAttributes
- SetDefaultMeshManagementAttributes
- SetDefaultOperatorOptions
- SetDefaultPickAttributes
- SetDefaultPlotOptions
- SetGlobalLineoutAttributes
- SetInteractorAttributes
- SetKeyframeAttributes
- SetLight
- SetMachineProfile
- SetMaterialAttributes
- SetMeshManagementAttributes
- SetNamedSelectionAutoApply
- SetOperatorOptions
- SetPickAttributes
- SetPipelineCachingMode
- SetPlotDatabaseState
- SetPlotDescription
- SetPlotFollowsTime
- SetPlotFrameRange
- SetPlotOptions
- SetPlotOrderToFirst
- SetPlotOrderToLast
- SetPlotSILRestriction
- SetPrecisionType
- SetPreferredFileFormats
- SetPrinterAttributes
- SetQueryFloatFormat
- SetQueryOutputToObject
- SetQueryOutputToString
- SetQueryOutputToValue
- SetQueryOverTimeAttributes
- SetRemoveDuplicateNodes
- SetRenderingAttributes
- SetSaveWindowAttributes
- SetTimeSliderState
- SetTreatAllDBsAsTimeVarying
- SetTryHarderCyclesTimes
- SetUltraScript
- SetView2D
- SetView3D
- SetViewAxisArray
- SetViewCurve
- SetViewExtentsType
- SetViewKeyframe
- SetWindowArea
- SetWindowLayout
- SetWindowMode
- ShowAllWindows
- ShowToolbars
- Source
- SuppressMessages
- SuppressQueryOutputOff
- SuppressQueryOutputOn
- TimeSliderGetNStates
- TimeSliderNextState
- TimeSliderPreviousState
- TimeSliderSetState
- ToggleBoundingBoxMode
- ToggleCameraViewMode
- ToggleFullFrameMode
- ToggleLockTime
- ToggleLockTools
- ToggleLockViewMode
- ToggleMaintainViewMode
- ToggleSpinMode
- TurnDomainsOff
- TurnDomainsOn
- TurnMaterialsOff
- TurnMaterialsOn
- UndoView
- UpdateNamedSelection
- Version
- WriteConfigFile
- WriteScript
- ZonePick
- Attribute Reference
- AMRStitchCell: AMRStitchCellAttributes()
- Animation: AnimationAttributes()
- Annotation: AnnotationAttributes()
- Axis: AxisAttributes()
- AxisAlignedSlice4D: AxisAlignedSlice4DAttributes()
- Boundary: BoundaryAttributes()
- BoundaryOp: BoundaryOpAttributes()
- Box: BoxAttributes()
- CartographicProjection: CartographicProjectionAttributes()
- Clip: ClipAttributes()
- Cone: ConeAttributes()
- ConnectedComponents: ConnectedComponentsAttributes()
- ConstructDataBinning: ConstructDataBinningAttributes()
- Contour: ContourAttributes()
- CoordSwap: CoordSwapAttributes()
- CreateBonds: CreateBondsAttributes()
- Curve: CurveAttributes()
- Cylinder: CylinderAttributes()
- DataBinning: DataBinningAttributes()
- DeferExpression: DeferExpressionAttributes()
- Displace: DisplaceAttributes()
- DualMesh: DualMeshAttributes()
- Edge: EdgeAttributes()
- Elevate: ElevateAttributes()
- EllipsoidSlice: EllipsoidSliceAttributes()
- Explode: ExplodeAttributes()
- ExportDB: ExportDBAttributes()
- ExternalSurface: ExternalSurfaceAttributes()
- Extrude: ExtrudeAttributes()
- FFT: FFTAttributes()
- FilledBoundary: FilledBoundaryAttributes()
- Flux: FluxAttributes()
- Font: FontAttributes()
- Global: GlobalAttributes()
- Histogram: HistogramAttributes()
- IndexSelect: IndexSelectAttributes()
- IntegralCurve: IntegralCurveAttributes()
- InverseGhostZone: InverseGhostZoneAttributes()
- Isosurface: IsosurfaceAttributes()
- Isovolume: IsovolumeAttributes()
- Keyframe: KeyframeAttributes()
- LCS: LCSAttributes()
- Label: LabelAttributes()
- Lagrangian: LagrangianAttributes()
- Light: LightAttributes()
- LimitCycle: LimitCycleAttributes()
- Lineout: LineoutAttributes()
- Material: MaterialAttributes()
- Mesh: MeshAttributes()
- MeshManagement: MeshManagementAttributes()
- Molecule: MoleculeAttributes()
- MultiCurve: MultiCurveAttributes()
- MultiresControl: MultiresControlAttributes()
- OnionPeel: OnionPeelAttributes()
- ParallelCoordinates: ParallelCoordinatesAttributes()
- PersistentParticles: PersistentParticlesAttributes()
- Poincare: PoincareAttributes()
- Printer: PrinterAttributes()
- Process: ProcessAttributes()
- Project: ProjectAttributes()
- Pseudocolor: PseudocolorAttributes()
- RadialResample: RadialResampleAttributes()
- Reflect: ReflectAttributes()
- Rendering: RenderingAttributes()
- Replicate: ReplicateAttributes()
- Resample: ResampleAttributes()
- Revolve: RevolveAttributes()
- SPHResample: SPHResampleAttributes()
- SaveWindow: SaveWindowAttributes()
- Scatter: ScatterAttributes()
- Slice: SliceAttributes()
- SmoothOperator: SmoothOperatorAttributes()
- SphereSlice: SphereSliceAttributes()
- Spreadsheet: SpreadsheetAttributes()
- Stagger: StaggerAttributes()
- StatisticalTrends: StatisticalTrendsAttributes()
- SubdivideQuads: SubdivideQuadsAttributes()
- Subset: SubsetAttributes()
- SurfaceNormal: SurfaceNormalAttributes()
- Tensor: TensorAttributes()
- ThreeSlice: ThreeSliceAttributes()
- Threshold: ThresholdAttributes()
- Transform: TransformAttributes()
- TriangulateRegularPoints: TriangulateRegularPointsAttributes()
- Truecolor: TruecolorAttributes()
- Tube: TubeAttributes()
- Vector: VectorAttributes()
- View: ViewAttributes()
- View2D: View2DAttributes()
- View3D: View3DAttributes()
- ViewAxisArray: ViewAxisArrayAttributes()
- ViewCurve: ViewCurveAttributes()
- Volume: VolumeAttributes()
- VisIt CLI Events
- Contributing To VisIt CLI Documentation
- Acknowledgments