Attribute Reference

This chapter shows all the attributes that can be set to control the behavior of VisIt. The attributes themselves are not documented, but their names are usually quite explanatory. When a member of an attribute can take values from a given list of options, the default option is printed first in italic followed by a comma separated list of the other available options.

The listing is ordered in alphabetical ordering of the name of the attribute set. For each set the function that will provide you with these attributes is printed in italic.

Many of the Plot and Operator attribute methods accept an optional 1 argument to indicate whether or not to return the default or current attributes. For example, CurveAttributes() returns the default attributes for a Curve plot where as CurveAttributes(1) returns the attributes of either the currently active Curve plot or the first Curve plot in the plot list regardless of whether it is selected or hidden.

Many functions return an integer where 1 means success and 0 means failure. This behavior is represented by the type CLI_return_t in an attempt to distinguish it from functions that may utilize the full range of integers.

AMRStitchCell: AMRStitchCellAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
CreateCellsOfType DualGridAndStitchCells, DualGrid, StitchCells

Animation: AnimationAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
animationMode StopMode, ReversePlayMode, PlayMode
pipelineCachingMode 0
frameIncrement 1
timeout 1
playbackMode PlayOnce, Looping, Swing

Annotation: AnnotationAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
axes2D.visible 1
axes2D.autoSetTicks 1
axes2D.autoSetScaling 1
axes2D.lineWidth 0
axes2D.tickLocation Outside, Inside, Both
axes2D.tickAxes BottomLeft, Off, Bottom, Left, All
axes2D.xAxis.title.visible 1
axes2D.xAxis.title.font.font Courier, Arial, Times
axes2D.xAxis.title.font.scale 1
axes2D.xAxis.title.font.useForegroundColor 1
axes2D.xAxis.title.font.color (0, 0, 0, 255)
axes2D.xAxis.title.font.bold 1
axes2D.xAxis.title.font.italic 1
axes2D.xAxis.title.userTitle 0
axes2D.xAxis.title.userUnits 0
axes2D.xAxis.title.title “X-Axis”
axes2D.xAxis.title.units “”
axes2D.xAxis.label.visible 1
axes2D.xAxis.label.font.font Courier, Arial, Times
axes2D.xAxis.label.font.scale 1
axes2D.xAxis.label.font.useForegroundColor 1
axes2D.xAxis.label.font.color (0, 0, 0, 255)
axes2D.xAxis.label.font.bold 1
axes2D.xAxis.label.font.italic 1
axes2D.xAxis.label.scaling 0
axes2D.xAxis.tickMarks.visible 1
axes2D.xAxis.tickMarks.majorMinimum 0
axes2D.xAxis.tickMarks.majorMaximum 1
axes2D.xAxis.tickMarks.minorSpacing 0.02
axes2D.xAxis.tickMarks.majorSpacing 0.2
axes2D.xAxis.grid 0
axes2D.yAxis.title.visible 1
axes2D.yAxis.title.font.font Courier, Arial, Times
axes2D.yAxis.title.font.scale 1
axes2D.yAxis.title.font.useForegroundColor 1
axes2D.yAxis.title.font.color (0, 0, 0, 255)
axes2D.yAxis.title.font.bold 1
axes2D.yAxis.title.font.italic 1
axes2D.yAxis.title.userTitle 0
axes2D.yAxis.title.userUnits 0
axes2D.yAxis.title.title “Y-Axis”
axes2D.yAxis.title.units “”
axes2D.yAxis.label.visible 1
axes2D.yAxis.label.font.font Courier, Arial, Times
axes2D.yAxis.label.font.scale 1
axes2D.yAxis.label.font.useForegroundColor 1
axes2D.yAxis.label.font.color (0, 0, 0, 255)
axes2D.yAxis.label.font.bold 1
axes2D.yAxis.label.font.italic 1
axes2D.yAxis.label.scaling 0
axes2D.yAxis.tickMarks.visible 1
axes2D.yAxis.tickMarks.majorMinimum 0
axes2D.yAxis.tickMarks.majorMaximum 1
axes2D.yAxis.tickMarks.minorSpacing 0.02
axes2D.yAxis.tickMarks.majorSpacing 0.2
axes2D.yAxis.grid 0
axes3D.visible 1
axes3D.autoSetTicks 1
axes3D.autoSetScaling 1
axes3D.lineWidth 0
axes3D.tickLocation Inside, Outside, Both
axes3D.axesType ClosestTriad, FurthestTriad, OutsideEdges, StaticTriad, StaticEdges
axes3D.triadFlag 1
axes3D.bboxFlag 1
axes3D.xAxis.title.visible 1
axes3D.xAxis.title.font.font Arial, Courier, Times
axes3D.xAxis.title.font.scale 1
axes3D.xAxis.title.font.useForegroundColor 1
axes3D.xAxis.title.font.color (0, 0, 0, 255)
axes3D.xAxis.title.font.bold 0
axes3D.xAxis.title.font.italic 0
axes3D.xAxis.title.userTitle 0
axes3D.xAxis.title.userUnits 0
axes3D.xAxis.title.title “X-Axis”
axes3D.xAxis.title.units “”
axes3D.xAxis.label.visible 1
axes3D.xAxis.label.font.font Arial, Courier, Times
axes3D.xAxis.label.font.scale 1
axes3D.xAxis.label.font.useForegroundColor 1
axes3D.xAxis.label.font.color (0, 0, 0, 255)
axes3D.xAxis.label.font.bold 0
axes3D.xAxis.label.font.italic 0
axes3D.xAxis.label.scaling 0
axes3D.xAxis.tickMarks.visible 1
axes3D.xAxis.tickMarks.majorMinimum 0
axes3D.xAxis.tickMarks.majorMaximum 1
axes3D.xAxis.tickMarks.minorSpacing 0.02
axes3D.xAxis.tickMarks.majorSpacing 0.2
axes3D.xAxis.grid 0
axes3D.yAxis.title.visible 1
axes3D.yAxis.title.font.font Arial, Courier, Times
axes3D.yAxis.title.font.scale 1
axes3D.yAxis.title.font.useForegroundColor 1
axes3D.yAxis.title.font.color (0, 0, 0, 255)
axes3D.yAxis.title.font.bold 0
axes3D.yAxis.title.font.italic 0
axes3D.yAxis.title.userTitle 0
axes3D.yAxis.title.userUnits 0
axes3D.yAxis.title.title “Y-Axis”
axes3D.yAxis.title.units “”
axes3D.yAxis.label.visible 1
axes3D.yAxis.label.font.font Arial, Courier, Times
axes3D.yAxis.label.font.scale 1
axes3D.yAxis.label.font.useForegroundColor 1
axes3D.yAxis.label.font.color (0, 0, 0, 255)
axes3D.yAxis.label.font.bold 0
axes3D.yAxis.label.font.italic 0
axes3D.yAxis.label.scaling 0
axes3D.yAxis.tickMarks.visible 1
axes3D.yAxis.tickMarks.majorMinimum 0
axes3D.yAxis.tickMarks.majorMaximum 1
axes3D.yAxis.tickMarks.minorSpacing 0.02
axes3D.yAxis.tickMarks.majorSpacing 0.2
axes3D.yAxis.grid 0
axes3D.zAxis.title.visible 1
axes3D.zAxis.title.font.font Arial, Courier, Times
axes3D.zAxis.title.font.scale 1
axes3D.zAxis.title.font.useForegroundColor 1
axes3D.zAxis.title.font.color (0, 0, 0, 255)
axes3D.zAxis.title.font.bold 0
axes3D.zAxis.title.font.italic 0
axes3D.zAxis.title.userTitle 0
axes3D.zAxis.title.userUnits 0
axes3D.zAxis.title.title “Z-Axis”
axes3D.zAxis.title.units “”
axes3D.zAxis.label.visible 1
axes3D.zAxis.label.font.font Arial, Courier, Times
axes3D.zAxis.label.font.scale 1
axes3D.zAxis.label.font.useForegroundColor 1
axes3D.zAxis.label.font.color (0, 0, 0, 255)
axes3D.zAxis.label.font.bold 0
axes3D.zAxis.label.font.italic 0
axes3D.zAxis.label.scaling 0
axes3D.zAxis.tickMarks.visible 1
axes3D.zAxis.tickMarks.majorMinimum 0
axes3D.zAxis.tickMarks.majorMaximum 1
axes3D.zAxis.tickMarks.minorSpacing 0.02
axes3D.zAxis.tickMarks.majorSpacing 0.2
axes3D.zAxis.grid 0
axes3D.setBBoxLocation 0
axes3D.bboxLocation (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
axes3D.triadColor (0, 0, 0)
axes3D.triadLineWidth 1
axes3D.triadFont 0
axes3D.triadBold 1
axes3D.triadItalic 1
axes3D.triadSetManually 0
userInfoFlag 1
userInfoFont.font Arial, Courier, Times
userInfoFont.scale 1
userInfoFont.useForegroundColor 1
userInfoFont.color (0, 0, 0, 255)
userInfoFont.bold 0
userInfoFont.italic 0
databaseInfoFlag 1
timeInfoFlag 1
databaseInfoFont.font Arial, Courier, Times
databaseInfoFont.scale 1
databaseInfoFont.useForegroundColor 1
databaseInfoFont.color (0, 0, 0, 255)
databaseInfoFont.bold 0
databaseInfoFont.italic 0
databaseInfoExpansionMode File, Directory, Full, Smart, SmartDirectory
databaseInfoTimeScale 1
databaseInfoTimeOffset 0
legendInfoFlag 1
backgroundColor (255, 255, 255, 255)
foregroundColor (0, 0, 0, 255)
gradientBackgroundStyle Radial, TopToBottom, BottomToTop, LeftToRight, RightToLeft
gradientColor1 (0, 0, 255, 255)
gradientColor2 (0, 0, 0, 255)
backgroundMode Solid, Gradient, Image, ImageSphere
backgroundImage “”
imageRepeatX 1
imageRepeatY 1
axesArray.visible 1
axesArray.ticksVisible 1
axesArray.autoSetTicks 1
axesArray.autoSetScaling 1
axesArray.lineWidth 0
axesArray.axes.title.visible 1
axesArray.axes.title.font.font Arial, Courier, Times
axesArray.axes.title.font.scale 1
axesArray.axes.title.font.useForegroundColor 1
axesArray.axes.title.font.color (0, 0, 0, 255)
axesArray.axes.title.font.bold 0
axesArray.axes.title.font.italic 0
axesArray.axes.title.userTitle 0
axesArray.axes.title.userUnits 0
axesArray.axes.title.title “”
axesArray.axes.title.units “”
axesArray.axes.label.visible 1
axesArray.axes.label.font.font Arial, Courier, Times
axesArray.axes.label.font.scale 1
axesArray.axes.label.font.useForegroundColor 1
axesArray.axes.label.font.color (0, 0, 0, 255)
axesArray.axes.label.font.bold 0
axesArray.axes.label.font.italic 0
axesArray.axes.label.scaling 0
axesArray.axes.tickMarks.visible 1
axesArray.axes.tickMarks.majorMinimum 0
axesArray.axes.tickMarks.majorMaximum 1
axesArray.axes.tickMarks.minorSpacing 0.02
axesArray.axes.tickMarks.majorSpacing 0.2
axesArray.axes.grid 0

Axis: AxisAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
title.visible 1
title.font.font Arial, Courier, Times
title.font.scale 1
title.font.useForegroundColor 1
title.font.color (0, 0, 0, 255)
title.font.bold 0
title.font.italic 0
title.userTitle 0
title.userUnits 0
title.title “”
title.units “”
label.visible 1
label.font.font Arial, Courier, Times
label.font.scale 1
label.font.useForegroundColor 1
label.font.color (0, 0, 0, 255)
label.font.bold 0
label.font.italic 0
label.scaling 0
tickMarks.visible 1
tickMarks.majorMinimum 0
tickMarks.majorMaximum 1
tickMarks.minorSpacing 0.02
tickMarks.majorSpacing 0.2
grid 0

AxisAlignedSlice4D: AxisAlignedSlice4DAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
I ()
J ()
K ()
L ()

Boundary: BoundaryAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
colorType ColorByMultipleColors, ColorBySingleColor, ColorByColorTable
colorTableName “Default”
invertColorTable 0
legendFlag 1
lineWidth 0
singleColor (0, 0, 0, 255)
boundaryNames ()
opacity 1
wireframe 0
smoothingLevel 0

BoundaryOp: BoundaryOpAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
smoothingLevel 0

Box: BoxAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
amount Some, All
minx 0
maxx 1
miny 0
maxy 1
minz 0
maxz 1
inverse 0

CartographicProjection: CartographicProjectionAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
projectionID aitoff, eck4, eqdc, hammer, laea, lcc, merc, mill, moll, ortho, wink2
centralMeridian 0

Clip: ClipAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
quality Fast, Accurate
funcType Plane, Sphere
plane1Status 1
plane2Status 0
plane3Status 0
plane1Origin (0, 0, 0)
plane2Origin (0, 0, 0)
plane3Origin (0, 0, 0)
plane1Normal (1, 0, 0)
plane2Normal (0, 1, 0)
plane3Normal (0, 0, 1)
planeInverse 0
planeToolControlledClipPlane Plane1, None, Plane2, Plane3
center (0, 0, 0)
radius 1
sphereInverse 0

Cone: ConeAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
angle 45
origin (0, 0, 0)
normal (0, 0, 1)
representation Flattened, ThreeD, R_Theta
upAxis (0, 1, 0)
cutByLength 0
length 1

ConnectedComponents: ConnectedComponentsAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
EnableGhostNeighborsOptimization 1

ConstructDataBinning: ConstructDataBinningAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
name “”
varnames ()
binType ()
binBoundaries ()
reductionOperator Average, Minimum, Maximum, StandardDeviation, Variance, Sum, Count, RMS, PDF
varForReductionOperator “”
undefinedValue 0
binningScheme Uniform, Unknown
numBins ()
overTime 0
timeStart 0
timeEnd 1
timeStride 1
outOfBoundsBehavior Clamp, Discard

Contour: ContourAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(0).colors (255, 0, 0, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(0).position 0
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(1).colors (0, 255, 0, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(1).position 0.034
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(2).colors (0, 0, 255, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(2).position 0.069
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(3).colors (0, 255, 255, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(3).position 0.103
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(4).colors (255, 0, 255, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(4).position 0.138
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(5).colors (255, 255, 0, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(5).position 0.172
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(6).colors (255, 135, 0, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(6).position 0.207
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(7).colors (255, 0, 135, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(7).position 0.241
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(8).colors (168, 168, 168, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(8).position 0.276
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(9).colors (255, 68, 68, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(9).position 0.31
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(10).colors (99, 255, 99, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(10).position 0.345
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(11).colors (99, 99, 255, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(11).position 0.379
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(12).colors (40, 165, 165, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(12).position 0.414
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(13).colors (255, 99, 255, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(13).position 0.448
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(14).colors (255, 255, 99, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(14).position 0.483
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(15).colors (255, 170, 99, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(15).position 0.517
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(16).colors (170, 79, 255, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(16).position 0.552
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(17).colors (150, 0, 0, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(17).position 0.586
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(18).colors (0, 150, 0, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(18).position 0.621
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(19).colors (0, 0, 150, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(19).position 0.655
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(20).colors (0, 109, 109, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(20).position 0.69
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(21).colors (150, 0, 150, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(21).position 0.724
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(22).colors (150, 150, 0, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(22).position 0.759
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(23).colors (150, 84, 0, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(23).position 0.793
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(24).colors (160, 0, 79, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(24).position 0.828
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(25).colors (255, 104, 28, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(25).position 0.862
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(26).colors (0, 170, 81, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(26).position 0.897
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(27).colors (68, 255, 124, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(27).position 0.931
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(28).colors (0, 130, 255, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(28).position 0.966
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(29).colors (130, 0, 255, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(29).position 1
defaultPalette.smoothing None, Linear, CubicSpline
defaultPalette.equalSpacingFlag 1
defaultPalette.discreteFlag 1
defaultPalette.categoryName “Standard”
changedColors ()
colorType ColorByMultipleColors, ColorBySingleColor, ColorByColorTable
colorTableName “Default”
invertColorTable 0
legendFlag 1
lineWidth 0
singleColor (255, 0, 0, 255)
  SetMultiColor(0, (255, 0, 0, 255))
  SetMultiColor(1, (0, 255, 0, 255))
  SetMultiColor(2, (0, 0, 255, 255))
  SetMultiColor(3, (0, 255, 255, 255))
  SetMultiColor(4, (255, 0, 255, 255))
  SetMultiColor(5, (255, 255, 0, 255))
  SetMultiColor(6, (255, 135, 0, 255))
  SetMultiColor(7, (255, 0, 135, 255))
  SetMultiColor(8, (168, 168, 168, 255))
  SetMultiColor(9, (255, 68, 68, 255))
contourNLevels 10
contourValue ()
contourPercent ()
contourMethod Level, Value, Percent
minFlag 0
maxFlag 0
min 0
max 1
scaling Linear, Log
wireframe 0

CoordSwap: CoordSwapAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
newCoord1 Coord1, Coord2, Coord3
newCoord2 Coord2, Coord1, Coord3
newCoord3 Coord3, Coord1, Coord2

CreateBonds: CreateBondsAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
elementVariable “element”
atomicNumber1 (1, -1)
atomicNumber2 (-1, -1)
minDist (0.4, 0.4)
maxDist (1.2, 1.9)
maxBondsClamp 10
addPeriodicBonds 0
useUnitCellVectors 1
periodicInX 1
periodicInY 1
periodicInZ 1
xVector (1, 0, 0)
yVector (0, 1, 0)
zVector (0, 0, 1)

Curve: CurveAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
showLines 1
lineWidth 0
showPoints 0
symbol Point, TriangleUp, TriangleDown, Square, Circle, Plus, X
pointSize 5
pointFillMode Static, Dynamic
pointStride 1
symbolDensity 50
curveColorSource Cycle, Custom
curveColor (0, 0, 0, 255)
showLegend 1
showLabels 1
designator “”
doBallTimeCue 0
ballTimeCueColor (0, 0, 0, 255)
timeCueBallSize 0.01
doLineTimeCue 0
lineTimeCueColor (0, 0, 0, 255)
lineTimeCueWidth 0
doCropTimeCue 0
timeForTimeCue 0
fillMode NoFill, Solid, HorizontalGradient, VerticalGradient
fillColor1 (255, 0, 0, 255)
fillColor2 (255, 100, 100, 255)
polarToCartesian 0
polarCoordinateOrder R_Theta, Theta_R
angleUnits Radians, Degrees

Cylinder: CylinderAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
point1 (0, 0, 0)
point2 (1, 0, 0)
radius 1
inverse 0

DataBinning: DataBinningAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
numDimensions One, Two, Three
dim1BinBasedOn Variable, X, Y, Z
dim1Var “default”
dim1SpecifyRange 0
dim1MinRange 0
dim1MaxRange 1
dim1NumBins 50
dim2BinBasedOn Variable, X, Y, Z
dim2Var “default”
dim2SpecifyRange 0
dim2MinRange 0
dim2MaxRange 1
dim2NumBins 50
dim3BinBasedOn Variable, X, Y, Z
dim3Var “default”
dim3SpecifyRange 0
dim3MinRange 0
dim3MaxRange 1
dim3NumBins 50
outOfBoundsBehavior Clamp, Discard
reductionOperator Average, Minimum, Maximum, StandardDeviation, Variance, Sum, Count, RMS, PDF
varForReduction “default”
emptyVal 0
outputType OutputOnBins, OutputOnInputMesh
removeEmptyValFromCurve 1

DeferExpression: DeferExpressionAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
exprs ()

Displace: DisplaceAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
factor 1
variable “default”

DualMesh: DualMeshAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
mode Auto, NodesToZones, ZonesToNodes

Edge: EdgeAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
dummy 1

Elevate: ElevateAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
useXYLimits Auto, Never, Always
limitsMode OriginalData, CurrentPlot
scaling Linear, Log, Skew
skewFactor 1
minFlag 0
min 0
maxFlag 0
max 1
zeroFlag 0
variable “default”

EllipsoidSlice: EllipsoidSliceAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
origin (0, 0, 0)
radii (1, 1, 1)
rotationAngle (0, 0, 0)

Explode: ExplodeAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
explosionType Point, Plane, Cylinder
explosionPoint (0, 0, 0)
planePoint (0, 0, 0)
planeNorm (0, 0, 0)
cylinderPoint1 (0, 0, 0)
cylinderPoint2 (0, 0, 0)
materialExplosionFactor 1
material “”
cylinderRadius 0
explodeMaterialCells 0
cellExplosionFactor 1
explosionPattern Impact, Scatter
explodeAllCells 0
boundaryNames ()
  explosions does not contain any ExplodeAttributes objects.

ExportDB: ExportDBAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
allTimes 0
dirname “.”
filename “visit_ex_db”
timeStateFormat “_%04d”
db_type “”
db_type_fullname “”
variables ()
writeUsingGroups 0
groupSize 48
opts.types () “”

ExternalSurface: ExternalSurfaceAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
removeGhosts 0
edgesIn2D 1

Extrude: ExtrudeAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
axis (0, 0, 1)
byVariable 0
variable “default”
length 1
steps 1
preserveOriginalCellNumbers 1

FFT: FFTAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
dummy 0

FilledBoundary: FilledBoundaryAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
colorType ColorByMultipleColors, ColorBySingleColor, ColorByColorTable
colorTableName “Default”
invertColorTable 0
legendFlag 1
lineWidth 0
singleColor (0, 0, 0, 255)
boundaryNames ()
opacity 1
wireframe 0
drawInternal 0
smoothingLevel 0
cleanZonesOnly 0
mixedColor (255, 255, 255, 255)
pointSize 0.05
pointType Point, Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Octahedron, Tetrahedron, SphereGeometry, Sphere
pointSizeVarEnabled 0
pointSizeVar “default”
pointSizePixels 2

Flux: FluxAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
flowField “default”
weight 0
weightField “default”

Font: FontAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
font Arial, Courier, Times
scale 1
useForegroundColor 1
color (0, 0, 0, 255)
bold 0
italic 0

Global: GlobalAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
sources ()
activeWindow 0
iconifiedFlag 0
autoUpdateFlag 0
replacePlots 0
applyOperator 1
applySelection 1
applyWindow 0
executing 0
windowLayout 1
makeDefaultConfirm 1
cloneWindowOnFirstRef 0
automaticallyAddOperator 0
tryHarderCyclesTimes 0
treatAllDBsAsTimeVarying 0
createMeshQualityExpressions 1
createTimeDerivativeExpressions 1
createVectorMagnitudeExpressions 1
newPlotsInheritSILRestriction 1
userDirForSessionFiles 0
saveCrashRecoveryFile 1
ignoreExtentsFromDbs 0
expandNewPlots 0
userRestoreSessionFile 0
precisionType Native, Float, Double
backendType VTK, VTKM
removeDuplicateNodes 0

Histogram: HistogramAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
basedOn ManyZonesForSingleVar, ManyVarsForSingleZone
histogramType Frequency, Weighted, Variable
weightVariable “default”
limitsMode OriginalData, CurrentPlot
minFlag 0
maxFlag 0
min 0
max 1
numBins 32
domain 0
zone 0
useBinWidths 1
outputType Block, Curve
lineWidth 0
color (200, 80, 40, 255)
dataScale Linear, Log, SquareRoot
binScale Linear, Log, SquareRoot
normalizeHistogram 0
computeAsCDF 0

IndexSelect: IndexSelectAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
maxDim ThreeD, OneD, TwoD
dim TwoD, OneD, ThreeD
xAbsMax -1
xMin 0
xMax -1
xIncr 1
xWrap 0
yAbsMax -1
yMin 0
yMax -1
yIncr 1
yWrap 0
zAbsMax -1
zMin 0
zMax -1
zIncr 1
zWrap 0
useWholeCollection 1
categoryName “Whole”
subsetName “Whole”

IntegralCurve: IntegralCurveAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
sourceType SpecifiedPoint, PointList, SpecifiedLine, Circle, SpecifiedPlane, SpecifiedSphere, SpecifiedBox, Selection, FieldData
pointSource (0, 0, 0)
lineStart (0, 0, 0)
lineEnd (1, 0, 0)
planeOrigin (0, 0, 0)
planeNormal (0, 0, 1)
planeUpAxis (0, 1, 0)
radius 1
sphereOrigin (0, 0, 0)
boxExtents (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
useWholeBox 1
pointList (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
fieldData ()
sampleDensity0 2
sampleDensity1 2
sampleDensity2 2
dataValue TimeAbsolute, Solid, SeedPointID, Speed, Vorticity, ArcLength, TimeRelative, AverageDistanceFromSeed, CorrelationDistance, Difference, Variable
dataVariable “”
integrationDirection Forward, Backward, Both, ForwardDirectionless, BackwardDirectionless, BothDirectionless
maxSteps 1000
terminateByDistance 0
termDistance 10
terminateByTime 0
termTime 10
maxStepLength 0.1
limitMaximumTimestep 0
maxTimeStep 0.1
relTol 0.0001
absTolSizeType FractionOfBBox, Absolute
absTolAbsolute 1e-06
absTolBBox 1e-06
fieldType Default, FlashField, M3DC12DField, M3DC13DField, Nek5000Field, NektarPPField
fieldConstant 1
velocitySource (0, 0, 0)
integrationType DormandPrince, Euler, Leapfrog, AdamsBashforth, RK4, M3DC12DIntegrator
parallelizationAlgorithmType VisItSelects, LoadOnDemand, ParallelStaticDomains, MasterSlave
maxProcessCount 10
maxDomainCacheSize 3
workGroupSize 32
pathlines 0
pathlinesOverrideStartingTimeFlag 0
pathlinesOverrideStartingTime 0
pathlinesPeriod 0
displayGeometry Lines, Tubes, Ribbons
cleanupMethod NoCleanup, Merge, Before, After
cleanupThreshold 1e-08
cropBeginFlag 0
cropBegin 0
cropEndFlag 0
cropEnd 0
cropValue Time, Distance, StepNumber
sampleDistance0 10
sampleDistance1 10
sampleDistance2 10
fillInterior 1
randomSamples 0
randomSeed 0
numberOfRandomSamples 1
issueAdvectionWarnings 1
issueBoundaryWarnings 1
issueTerminationWarnings 1
issueStepsizeWarnings 1
issueStiffnessWarnings 1
issueCriticalPointsWarnings 1
criticalPointThreshold 0.001
correlationDistanceAngTol 5
correlationDistanceMinDistAbsolute 1
correlationDistanceMinDistBBox 0.005
correlationDistanceMinDistType FractionOfBBox, Absolute
selection “”

InverseGhostZone: InverseGhostZoneAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
requestGhostZones 1
showDuplicated 1
showEnhancedConnectivity 1
showReducedConnectivity 1
showAMRRefined 1
showExterior 1
showNotApplicable 1

Isosurface: IsosurfaceAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
contourNLevels 10
contourValue ()
contourPercent ()
contourMethod Level, Value, Percent
minFlag 0
min 0
maxFlag 0
max 1
scaling Linear, Log
variable “default”

Isovolume: IsovolumeAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
lbound -1e+37
ubound 1e+37
variable “default”

Keyframe: KeyframeAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
enabled 0
nFrames 1
nFramesWasUserSet 0

LCS: LCSAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
sourceType NativeMesh, RegularGrid
Resolution (10, 10, 10)
UseDataSetStart Full, Subset
StartPosition (0, 0, 0)
UseDataSetEnd Full, Subset
EndPosition (1, 1, 1)
integrationDirection Forward, Backward, Both
auxiliaryGrid None, TwoDim, ThreeDim
auxiliaryGridSpacing 0.0001
maxSteps 1000
operationType Lyapunov, IntegrationTime, ArcLength, AverageDistanceFromSeed, EigenValue, EigenVector
cauchyGreenTensor Right, Left
eigenComponent Largest, Smallest, Intermediate, PosShearVector, NegShearVector, PosLambdaShearVector, NegLambdaShearVector
eigenWeight 1
operatorType BaseValue, Gradient
terminationType Time, Distance, Size
terminateBySize 0
termSize 10
terminateByDistance 0
termDistance 10
terminateByTime 0
termTime 10
maxStepLength 0.1
limitMaximumTimestep 0
maxTimeStep 0.1
relTol 0.0001
absTolSizeType FractionOfBBox, Absolute
absTolAbsolute 1e-06
absTolBBox 1e-06
fieldType Default, FlashField, M3DC12DField, M3DC13DField, Nek5000Field, NektarPPField
fieldConstant 1
velocitySource (0, 0, 0)
integrationType DormandPrince, Euler, Leapfrog, AdamsBashforth, RK4, M3DC12DIntegrator
clampLogValues 0
parallelizationAlgorithmType VisItSelects, LoadOnDemand, ParallelStaticDomains, MasterSlave
maxProcessCount 10
maxDomainCacheSize 3
workGroupSize 32
pathlines 0
pathlinesOverrideStartingTimeFlag 0
pathlinesOverrideStartingTime 0
pathlinesPeriod 0
thresholdLimit 0.1
radialLimit 0.1
boundaryLimit 0.1
seedLimit 10
issueAdvectionWarnings 1
issueBoundaryWarnings 1
issueTerminationWarnings 1
issueStepsizeWarnings 1
issueStiffnessWarnings 1
issueCriticalPointsWarnings 1
criticalPointThreshold 0.001

Label: LabelAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
legendFlag 1
showNodes 0
showCells 1
restrictNumberOfLabels 1
drawLabelsFacing Front, Back, FrontAndBack
labelDisplayFormat Natural, LogicalIndex, Index
numberOfLabels 200
textFont1.font Arial, Courier, Times
textFont1.scale 4
textFont1.useForegroundColor 1
textFont1.color (255, 0, 0, 255)
textFont1.bold 0
textFont1.italic 0
textFont2.font Arial, Courier, Times
textFont2.scale 4
textFont2.useForegroundColor 1
textFont2.color (0, 0, 255, 255)
textFont2.bold 0
textFont2.italic 0
horizontalJustification HCenter, Left, Right
verticalJustification VCenter, Top, Bottom
formatTemplate “%g”

Lagrangian: LagrangianAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
seedPoint (0, 0, 0)
numSteps 1000
XAxisSample Step, Time, ArcLength, Speed, Vorticity, Variable
YAxisSample Step, Time, ArcLength, Speed, Vorticity, Variable
variable “default”

Light: LightAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
enabledFlag 1
type Camera, Ambient, Object
direction (0, 0, -1)
color (255, 255, 255, 255)
brightness 1

LimitCycle: LimitCycleAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
sourceType SpecifiedLine, SpecifiedPlane
lineStart (0, 0, 0)
lineEnd (1, 0, 0)
planeOrigin (0, 0, 0)
planeNormal (0, 0, 1)
planeUpAxis (0, 1, 0)
sampleDensity0 2
sampleDensity1 2
dataValue TimeAbsolute, Solid, SeedPointID, Speed, Vorticity, ArcLength, TimeRelative, AverageDistanceFromSeed, CorrelationDistance, Difference, Variable
dataVariable “”
integrationDirection Forward, Backward, Both, ForwardDirectionless, BackwardDirectionless, BothDirectionless
maxSteps 1000
terminateByDistance 0
termDistance 10
terminateByTime 0
termTime 10
maxStepLength 0.1
limitMaximumTimestep 0
maxTimeStep 0.1
relTol 0.0001
absTolSizeType FractionOfBBox, Absolute
absTolAbsolute 1e-06
absTolBBox 1e-06
fieldType Default, FlashField, M3DC12DField, M3DC13DField, Nek5000Field, NektarPPField
fieldConstant 1
velocitySource (0, 0, 0)
integrationType DormandPrince, Euler, Leapfrog, AdamsBashforth, RK4, M3DC12DIntegrator
parallelizationAlgorithmType VisItSelects, LoadOnDemand, ParallelStaticDomains, MasterSlave
maxProcessCount 10
maxDomainCacheSize 3
workGroupSize 32
pathlines 0
pathlinesOverrideStartingTimeFlag 0
pathlinesOverrideStartingTime 0
pathlinesPeriod 0
sampleDistance0 10
sampleDistance1 10
sampleDistance2 10
fillInterior 1
randomSamples 0
randomSeed 0
numberOfRandomSamples 1
forceNodeCenteredData 0
cycleTolerance 1e-06
maxIterations 10
showPartialResults 1
showReturnDistances 0
issueAdvectionWarnings 1
issueBoundaryWarnings 1
issueTerminationWarnings 1
issueStepsizeWarnings 1
issueStiffnessWarnings 1
issueCriticalPointsWarnings 1
criticalPointThreshold 0.001
correlationDistanceAngTol 5
correlationDistanceMinDistAbsolute 1
correlationDistanceMinDistBBox 0.005
correlationDistanceMinDistType FractionOfBBox, Absolute

Lineout: LineoutAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
point1 (0, 0, 0)
point2 (1, 1, 0)
interactive 0
ignoreGlobal 0
samplingOn 0
numberOfSamplePoints 50
reflineLabels 0

Material: MaterialAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
smoothing 0
forceMIR 0
cleanZonesOnly 0
needValidConnectivity 0
algorithm EquiZ, EquiT, Isovolume, PLIC, Discrete
iterationEnabled 0
numIterations 5
iterationDamping 0.4
simplifyHeavilyMixedZones 0
maxMaterialsPerZone 3
isoVolumeFraction 0.5
annealingTime 10

Mesh: MeshAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
legendFlag 1
lineWidth 0
meshColor (0, 0, 0, 255)
meshColorSource Foreground, MeshCustom
opaqueColorSource Background, OpaqueCustom
opaqueMode Auto, On, Off
pointSize 0.05
opaqueColor (255, 255, 255, 255)
smoothingLevel None, Fast, High
pointSizeVarEnabled 0
pointSizeVar “default”
pointType Point, Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Octahedron, Tetrahedron, SphereGeometry, Sphere
showInternal 0
pointSizePixels 2
opacity 1

MeshManagement: MeshManagementAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
discretizationTolerance (0.02, 0.025, 0.05)
discretizationToleranceX ()
discretizationToleranceY ()
discretizationToleranceZ ()
discretizationMode Uniform, Adaptive, MultiPass
discretizeBoundaryOnly 0
passNativeCSG 0

Molecule: MoleculeAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
drawAtomsAs SphereAtoms, NoAtoms, ImposterAtoms
scaleRadiusBy Fixed, Covalent, Atomic, Variable
drawBondsAs CylinderBonds, NoBonds, LineBonds
colorBonds ColorByAtom, SingleColor
bondSingleColor (128, 128, 128, 255)
radiusVariable “default”
radiusScaleFactor 1
radiusFixed 0.3
atomSphereQuality Medium, Low, High, Super
bondCylinderQuality Medium, Low, High, Super
bondRadius 0.12
bondLineWidth 0
elementColorTable “cpk_jmol”
residueTypeColorTable “amino_shapely”
residueSequenceColorTable “Default”
continuousColorTable “Default”
legendFlag 1
minFlag 0
scalarMin 0
maxFlag 0
scalarMax 1

MultiCurve: MultiCurveAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(0).colors (255, 0, 0, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(0).position 0
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(1).colors (0, 255, 0, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(1).position 0.034
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(2).colors (0, 0, 255, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(2).position 0.069
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(3).colors (0, 255, 255, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(3).position 0.103
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(4).colors (255, 0, 255, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(4).position 0.138
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(5).colors (255, 255, 0, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(5).position 0.172
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(6).colors (255, 135, 0, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(6).position 0.207
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(7).colors (255, 0, 135, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(7).position 0.241
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(8).colors (168, 168, 168, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(8).position 0.276
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(9).colors (255, 68, 68, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(9).position 0.31
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(10).colors (99, 255, 99, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(10).position 0.345
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(11).colors (99, 99, 255, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(11).position 0.379
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(12).colors (40, 165, 165, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(12).position 0.414
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(13).colors (255, 99, 255, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(13).position 0.448
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(14).colors (255, 255, 99, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(14).position 0.483
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(15).colors (255, 170, 99, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(15).position 0.517
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(16).colors (170, 79, 255, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(16).position 0.552
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(17).colors (150, 0, 0, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(17).position 0.586
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(18).colors (0, 150, 0, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(18).position 0.621
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(19).colors (0, 0, 150, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(19).position 0.655
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(20).colors (0, 109, 109, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(20).position 0.69
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(21).colors (150, 0, 150, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(21).position 0.724
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(22).colors (150, 150, 0, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(22).position 0.759
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(23).colors (150, 84, 0, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(23).position 0.793
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(24).colors (160, 0, 79, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(24).position 0.828
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(25).colors (255, 104, 28, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(25).position 0.862
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(26).colors (0, 170, 81, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(26).position 0.897
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(27).colors (68, 255, 124, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(27).position 0.931
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(28).colors (0, 130, 255, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(28).position 0.966
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(29).colors (130, 0, 255, 255)
defaultPalette.GetControlPoints(29).position 1
defaultPalette.smoothing None, Linear, CubicSpline
defaultPalette.equalSpacingFlag 1
defaultPalette.discreteFlag 1
defaultPalette.categoryName “Standard”
changedColors ()
colorType ColorByMultipleColors, ColorBySingleColor
singleColor (255, 0, 0, 255)
  SetMultiColor(0, (255, 0, 0, 255))
  SetMultiColor(1, (0, 255, 0, 255))
  SetMultiColor(2, (0, 0, 255, 255))
  SetMultiColor(3, (0, 255, 255, 255))
  SetMultiColor(4, (255, 0, 255, 255))
  SetMultiColor(5, (255, 255, 0, 255))
  SetMultiColor(6, (255, 135, 0, 255))
  SetMultiColor(7, (255, 0, 135, 255))
  SetMultiColor(8, (168, 168, 168, 255))
  SetMultiColor(9, (255, 68, 68, 255))
  SetMultiColor(10, (99, 255, 99, 255))
  SetMultiColor(11, (99, 99, 255, 255))
  SetMultiColor(12, (40, 165, 165, 255))
  SetMultiColor(13, (255, 99, 255, 255))
  SetMultiColor(14, (255, 255, 99, 255))
  SetMultiColor(15, (255, 170, 99, 255))
lineWidth 0
yAxisTitleFormat “%g”
useYAxisTickSpacing 0
yAxisTickSpacing 1
displayMarkers 1
markerScale 1
markerLineWidth 0
markerVariable “default”
displayIds 0
idVariable “default”
legendFlag 1

MultiresControl: MultiresControlAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
resolution 0
maxResolution 1
info “”

OnionPeel: OnionPeelAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
adjacencyType Node, Face
useGlobalId 0
categoryName “Whole”
subsetName “Whole”
logical 0
requestedLayer 0
seedType SeedCell, SeedNode
honorOriginalMesh 1

ParallelCoordinates: ParallelCoordinatesAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
scalarAxisNames ()
visualAxisNames ()
extentMinima ()
extentMaxima ()
drawLines 1
linesColor (128, 0, 0, 255)
drawContext 1
contextGamma 2
contextNumPartitions 128
contextColor (0, 220, 0, 255)
drawLinesOnlyIfExtentsOn 1
unifyAxisExtents 0
linesNumPartitions 512
focusGamma 4
drawFocusAs BinsOfConstantColor, IndividualLines, BinsColoredByPopulation

PersistentParticles: PersistentParticlesAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
startIndex 0
stopIndex 1
stride 1
startPathType Absolute, Relative
stopPathType Absolute, Relative
traceVariableX “default”
traceVariableY “default”
traceVariableZ “default”
connectParticles 0
showPoints 0
indexVariable “default”

Poincare: PoincareAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
opacityType Explicit, ColorTable
opacity 1
minPunctures 50
maxPunctures 500
puncturePlotType Single, Double
maxSteps 1000
terminateByTime 0
termTime 10
puncturePeriodTolerance 0.01
puncturePlane Poloidal, Toroidal, Arbitrary
sourceType SpecifiedPoint, PointList, SpecifiedLine
pointSource (0, 0, 0)
pointList (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
lineStart (0, 0, 0)
lineEnd (1, 0, 0)
pointDensity 1
fieldType Default, FlashField, M3DC12DField, M3DC13DField, Nek5000Field, NektarPPField
forceNodeCenteredData 0
fieldConstant 1
velocitySource (0, 0, 0)
integrationType AdamsBashforth, Euler, Leapfrog, DormandPrince, RK4, M3DC12DIntegrator
coordinateSystem Cartesian, Cylindrical
maxStepLength 0.1
limitMaximumTimestep 0
maxTimeStep 0.1
relTol 0.0001
absTolSizeType FractionOfBBox, Absolute
absTolAbsolute 1e-05
absTolBBox 1e-06
analysis Normal, None
maximumToroidalWinding 0
overrideToroidalWinding 0
overridePoloidalWinding 0
windingPairConfidence 0.9
rationalSurfaceFactor 0.1
overlaps Remove, Raw, Merge, Smooth
meshType Curves, Surfaces
numberPlanes 1
singlePlane 0
min 0
max 0
minFlag 0
maxFlag 0
colorType ColorByColorTable, ColorBySingleColor
singleColor (0, 0, 0, 255)
colorTableName “Default”
dataValue SafetyFactorQ, Solid, SafetyFactorP, SafetyFactorQ_NotP, SafetyFactorP_NotQ, ToroidalWindings, PoloidalWindingsQ, PoloidalWindingsP, FieldlineOrder, PointOrder, PlaneOrder, WindingGroupOrder, WindingPointOrder, WindingPointOrderModulo
showRationalSurfaces 0
RationalSurfaceMaxIterations 2
showOPoints 0
OPointMaxIterations 2
showXPoints 0
XPointMaxIterations 2
performOLineAnalysis 0
OLineToroidalWinding 1
OLineAxisFileName “”
showChaotic 0
showIslands 0
SummaryFlag 1
verboseFlag 0
show1DPlots 0
showLines 1
showPoints 0
parallelizationAlgorithmType VisItSelects, LoadOnDemand, ParallelStaticDomains, MasterSlave
maxProcessCount 10
maxDomainCacheSize 3
workGroupSize 32
pathlines 0
pathlinesOverrideStartingTimeFlag 0
pathlinesOverrideStartingTime 0
pathlinesPeriod 0
issueTerminationWarnings 1
issueStepsizeWarnings 1
issueStiffnessWarnings 1
issueCriticalPointsWarnings 1
criticalPointThreshold 0.001

Printer: PrinterAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
printerName “”
printProgram “lpr”
documentName “untitled”
creator “”
numCopies 1
portrait 1
printColor 1
outputToFile 0
outputToFileName “untitled”
pageSize 2

Process: ProcessAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
pids ()
ppids ()
hosts ()
isParallel 0
memory ()
times ()

Project: ProjectAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
projectionType XYCartesian, ZYCartesian, XZCartesian, XRCylindrical, YRCylindrical, ZRCylindrical
vectorTransformMethod AsDirection, None, AsPoint, AsDisplacement

Pseudocolor: PseudocolorAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
scaling Linear, Log, Skew
skewFactor 1
limitsMode OriginalData, CurrentPlot
minFlag 0
min 0
useBelowMinColor 0
belowMinColor (0, 0, 0, 255)
maxFlag 0
max 1
useAboveMaxColor 0
aboveMaxColor (0, 0, 0, 255)
centering Natural, Nodal, Zonal
colorTableName “hot”
invertColorTable 0
opacityType FullyOpaque, ColorTable, Constant, Ramp, VariableRange
opacityVariable “”
opacity 1
opacityVarMin 0
opacityVarMax 1
opacityVarMinFlag 0
opacityVarMaxFlag 0
pointSize 0.05
pointType Point, Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Octahedron, Tetrahedron, SphereGeometry, Sphere
pointSizeVarEnabled 0
pointSizeVar “default”
pointSizePixels 2
lineType Line, Tube, Ribbon
lineWidth 0
tubeResolution 10
tubeRadiusSizeType FractionOfBBox, Absolute
tubeRadiusAbsolute 0.125
tubeRadiusBBox 0.005
tubeRadiusVarEnabled 0
tubeRadiusVar “”
tubeRadiusVarRatio 10
tailStyle None, Spheres, Cones
headStyle None, Spheres, Cones
endPointRadiusSizeType FractionOfBBox, Absolute
endPointRadiusAbsolute 0.125
endPointRadiusBBox 0.05
endPointResolution 10
endPointRatio 5
endPointRadiusVarEnabled 0
endPointRadiusVar “”
endPointRadiusVarRatio 10
renderSurfaces 1
renderWireframe 0
renderPoints 0
smoothingLevel 0
legendFlag 1
lightingFlag 1
wireframeColor (0, 0, 0, 0)
pointColor (0, 0, 0, 0)

RadialResample: RadialResampleAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
isFast 0
minTheta 0
maxTheta 90
deltaTheta 5
radius 0.5
deltaRadius 0.05
center (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
is3D 1
minAzimuth 0
maxAzimuth 180
deltaAzimuth 5

Reflect: ReflectAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
useXBoundary 1
specifiedX 0
useYBoundary 1
specifiedY 0
useZBoundary 1
specifiedZ 0
reflections (1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
planePoint (0, 0, 0)
planeNormal (0, 0, 0)
reflectType Axis, Plane

Remap: RemapAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
useExtents 1
startX 0
endX 1
cellsX 10
startY 0
endY 1
cellsY 10
is3D 1
startZ 0
endZ 1
cellsZ 10
variableType intrinsic, extrinsic

Rendering: RenderingAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
antialiasing 0
orderComposite 1
depthCompositeThreads 2
depthCompositeBlocking 65536
alphaCompositeThreads 2
alphaCompositeBlocking 65536
depthPeeling 0
occlusionRatio 0
numberOfPeels 16
multiresolutionMode 0
multiresolutionCellSize 0.002
geometryRepresentation Surfaces, Wireframe, Points
stereoRendering 0
stereoType CrystalEyes, RedBlue, Interlaced, RedGreen
notifyForEachRender 0
scalableActivationMode Auto, Never, Always
scalableAutoThreshold 2000000
specularFlag 0
specularCoeff 0.6
specularPower 10
specularColor (255, 255, 255, 255)
doShadowing 0
shadowStrength 0.5
doDepthCueing 0
depthCueingAutomatic 1
startCuePoint (-10, 0, 0)
endCuePoint (10, 0, 0)
compressionActivationMode Never, Always, Auto
colorTexturingFlag 1
compactDomainsActivationMode Never, Always, Auto
compactDomainsAutoThreshold 256
osprayRendering 0
ospraySPP 1
osprayAO 0
osprayShadows 0

Replicate: ReplicateAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
useUnitCellVectors 0
xVector (1, 0, 0)
yVector (0, 1, 0)
zVector (0, 0, 1)
xReplications 1
yReplications 1
zReplications 1
mergeResults 1
replicateUnitCellAtoms 0
shiftPeriodicAtomOrigin 0
newPeriodicOrigin (0, 0, 0)

Resample: ResampleAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
useExtents 1
startX 0
endX 1
samplesX 10
startY 0
endY 1
samplesY 10
is3D 1
startZ 0
endZ 1
samplesZ 10
tieResolver random, largest, smallest
tieResolverVariable “default”
defaultValue 0
distributedResample 1
cellCenteredOutput 0

Revolve: RevolveAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
meshType Auto, XY, RZ, ZR
autoAxis 1
axis (1, 0, 0)
startAngle 0
stopAngle 360
steps 30

SPHResample: SPHResampleAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
minX 0
maxX 1
xnum 10
minY 0
maxY 1
ynum 10
minZ 0
maxZ 1
znum 10
tensorSupportVariable “H”
weightVariable “mass”
RK 1

SaveWindow: SaveWindowAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
outputToCurrentDirectory 1
outputDirectory “.”
fileName “visit”
family 1
width 1024
height 1024
screenCapture 0
saveTiled 0
quality 80
progressive 0
binary 0
stereo 0
compression None, PackBits, Jpeg, Deflate, LZW
forceMerge 0
resConstraint ScreenProportions, NoConstraint, EqualWidthHeight
pixelData 1
advancedMultiWindowSave 0
subWindowAtts.win1.position (0, 0)
subWindowAtts.win1.size (128, 128)
subWindowAtts.win1.layer 0
subWindowAtts.win1.transparency 0
subWindowAtts.win1.omitWindow 0
subWindowAtts.win2.position (0, 0)
subWindowAtts.win2.size (128, 128)
subWindowAtts.win2.layer 0
subWindowAtts.win2.transparency 0
subWindowAtts.win2.omitWindow 0
subWindowAtts.win3.position (0, 0)
subWindowAtts.win3.size (128, 128)
subWindowAtts.win3.layer 0
subWindowAtts.win3.transparency 0
subWindowAtts.win3.omitWindow 0
subWindowAtts.win4.position (0, 0)
subWindowAtts.win4.size (128, 128)
subWindowAtts.win4.layer 0
subWindowAtts.win4.transparency 0
subWindowAtts.win4.omitWindow 0
subWindowAtts.win5.position (0, 0)
subWindowAtts.win5.size (128, 128)
subWindowAtts.win5.layer 0
subWindowAtts.win5.transparency 0
subWindowAtts.win5.omitWindow 0
subWindowAtts.win6.position (0, 0)
subWindowAtts.win6.size (128, 128)
subWindowAtts.win6.layer 0
subWindowAtts.win6.transparency 0
subWindowAtts.win6.omitWindow 0
subWindowAtts.win7.position (0, 0)
subWindowAtts.win7.size (128, 128)
subWindowAtts.win7.layer 0
subWindowAtts.win7.transparency 0
subWindowAtts.win7.omitWindow 0
subWindowAtts.win8.position (0, 0)
subWindowAtts.win8.size (128, 128)
subWindowAtts.win8.layer 0
subWindowAtts.win8.transparency 0
subWindowAtts.win8.omitWindow 0
subWindowAtts.win9.position (0, 0)
subWindowAtts.win9.size (128, 128)
subWindowAtts.win9.layer 0
subWindowAtts.win9.transparency 0
subWindowAtts.win9.omitWindow 0
subWindowAtts.win10.position (0, 0)
subWindowAtts.win10.size (128, 128)
subWindowAtts.win10.layer 0
subWindowAtts.win10.transparency 0
subWindowAtts.win10.omitWindow 0
subWindowAtts.win11.position (0, 0)
subWindowAtts.win11.size (128, 128)
subWindowAtts.win11.layer 0
subWindowAtts.win11.transparency 0
subWindowAtts.win11.omitWindow 0
subWindowAtts.win12.position (0, 0)
subWindowAtts.win12.size (128, 128)
subWindowAtts.win12.layer 0
subWindowAtts.win12.transparency 0
subWindowAtts.win12.omitWindow 0
subWindowAtts.win13.position (0, 0)
subWindowAtts.win13.size (128, 128)
subWindowAtts.win13.layer 0
subWindowAtts.win13.transparency 0
subWindowAtts.win13.omitWindow 0
subWindowAtts.win14.position (0, 0)
subWindowAtts.win14.size (128, 128)
subWindowAtts.win14.layer 0
subWindowAtts.win14.transparency 0
subWindowAtts.win14.omitWindow 0
subWindowAtts.win15.position (0, 0)
subWindowAtts.win15.size (128, 128)
subWindowAtts.win15.layer 0
subWindowAtts.win15.transparency 0
subWindowAtts.win15.omitWindow 0
subWindowAtts.win16.position (0, 0)
subWindowAtts.win16.size (128, 128)
subWindowAtts.win16.layer 0
subWindowAtts.win16.transparency 0
subWindowAtts.win16.omitWindow 0
opts.types () “”

Scatter: ScatterAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
var1 “default”
var1Role Coordinate0, Coordinate1, Coordinate2, Color, None
var1MinFlag 0
var1MaxFlag 0
var1Min 0
var1Max 1
var1Scaling Linear, Log, Skew
var1SkewFactor 1
var2Role Coordinate1, Coordinate0, Coordinate2, Color, None
var2 “default”
var2MinFlag 0
var2MaxFlag 0
var2Min 0
var2Max 1
var2Scaling Linear, Log, Skew
var2SkewFactor 1
var3Role None, Coordinate0, Coordinate1, Coordinate2, Color
var3 “default”
var3MinFlag 0
var3MaxFlag 0
var3Min 0
var3Max 1
var3Scaling Linear, Log, Skew
var3SkewFactor 1
var4Role None, Coordinate0, Coordinate1, Coordinate2, Color
var4 “default”
var4MinFlag 0
var4MaxFlag 0
var4Min 0
var4Max 1
var4Scaling Linear, Log, Skew
var4SkewFactor 1
pointSize 0.05
pointSizePixels 1
pointType Point, Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Octahedron, Tetrahedron, SphereGeometry, Sphere
scaleCube 1
colorType ColorByForegroundColor, ColorBySingleColor, ColorByColorTable
singleColor (255, 0, 0, 255)
colorTableName “Default”
invertColorTable 0
legendFlag 1

Slice: SliceAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
originType Intercept, Point, Percent, Zone, Node
originPoint (0, 0, 0)
originIntercept 0
originPercent 0
originZone 0
originNode 0
normal (0, -1, 0)
axisType YAxis, XAxis, ZAxis, Arbitrary, ThetaPhi
upAxis (0, 0, 1)
project2d 1
interactive 1
flip 0
originZoneDomain 0
originNodeDomain 0
meshName “default”
theta 0
phi 0

SmoothOperator: SmoothOperatorAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
numIterations 20
relaxationFactor 0.01
convergence 0
maintainFeatures 1
featureAngle 45
edgeAngle 15
smoothBoundaries 0

SphereSlice: SphereSliceAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
origin (0, 0, 0)
radius 1

Spreadsheet: SpreadsheetAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
subsetName “Whole”
formatString “%1.6f”
useColorTable 0
colorTableName “Default”
showTracerPlane 1
tracerColor (255, 0, 0, 150)
normal Z, X, Y
sliceIndex 0
spreadsheetFont “Courier,12,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0”
showPatchOutline 1
showCurrentCellOutline 0
currentPickType 0
currentPickLetter “”
pastPickLetters ()

Stagger: StaggerAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
offsetX 0
offsetY 0
offsetZ 0

StatisticalTrends: StatisticalTrendsAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
startIndex 0
stopIndex 1
stride 1
startTrendType Absolute, Relative
stopTrendType Absolute, Relative
statisticType Mean, Sum, Variance, StandardDeviation, Slope, Residuals
trendAxis Step, Time, Cycle
variableSource Default, OperatorExpression

SubdivideQuads: SubdivideQuadsAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
threshold 0.500002
maxSubdivs 4
fanOutPoints 1
doTriangles 0
variable “default”

Subset: SubsetAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
colorType ColorByMultipleColors, ColorBySingleColor, ColorByColorTable
colorTableName “Default”
invertColorTable 0
legendFlag 1
lineWidth 0
singleColor (0, 0, 0, 255)
subsetNames ()
opacity 1
wireframe 0
drawInternal 0
smoothingLevel 0
pointSize 0.05
pointType Point, Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Octahedron, Tetrahedron, SphereGeometry, Sphere
pointSizeVarEnabled 0
pointSizeVar “default”
pointSizePixels 2

SurfaceNormal: SurfaceNormalAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
centering Point, Cell

Tensor: TensorAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
useStride 0
stride 1
nTensors 400
scale 0.25
scaleByMagnitude 1
autoScale 1
colorByEigenvalues 1
useLegend 1
tensorColor (0, 0, 0, 255)
colorTableName “Default”
invertColorTable 0

ThreeSlice: ThreeSliceAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
x 0
y 0
z 0
interactive 1

Threshold: ThresholdAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
outputMeshType 0
boundsInputType 0
listedVarNames (“default”)
zonePortions ()
lowerBounds ()
upperBounds ()
defaultVarName “default”
defaultVarIsScalar 0
boundsRange ()

Transform: TransformAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
doRotate 0
rotateOrigin (0, 0, 0)
rotateAxis (0, 0, 1)
rotateAmount 0
rotateType Deg, Rad
doScale 0
scaleOrigin (0, 0, 0)
scaleX 1
scaleY 1
scaleZ 1
doTranslate 0
translateX 0
translateY 0
translateZ 0
transformType Similarity, Coordinate, Linear
inputCoordSys Cartesian, Cylindrical, Spherical
outputCoordSys Spherical, Cartesian, Cylindrical
continuousPhi 0
m00 1
m01 0
m02 0
m03 0
m10 0
m11 1
m12 0
m13 0
m20 0
m21 0
m22 1
m23 0
m30 0
m31 0
m32 0
m33 1
invertLinearTransform 0
vectorTransformMethod AsDirection, None, AsPoint, AsDisplacement
transformVectors 1

TriangulateRegularPoints: TriangulateRegularPointsAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
useXGridSpacing 0
xGridSpacing 1
useYGridSpacing 0
yGridSpacing 1

Truecolor: TruecolorAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
opacity 1
lightingFlag 1

Tube: TubeAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
scaleByVarFlag 0
tubeRadiusType FractionOfBBox, Absolute
radiusFractionBBox 0.01
radiusAbsolute 1
scaleVariable “default”
fineness 5
capping 0

Vector: VectorAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
glyphLocation AdaptsToMeshResolution, UniformInSpace
useStride 0
stride 1
nVectors 400
lineWidth 0
scale 0.25
scaleByMagnitude 1
autoScale 1
headSize 0.25
headOn 1
colorByMag 1
useLegend 1
vectorColor (0, 0, 0, 255)
colorTableName “Default”
invertColorTable 0
vectorOrigin Tail, Head, Middle
minFlag 0
maxFlag 0
limitsMode OriginalData, CurrentPlot
min 0
max 1
lineStem Line, Cylinder
geometryQuality Fast, High
stemWidth 0.08
origOnly 1
glyphType Arrow, Ellipsoid
animationStep 0

View: ViewAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
viewNormal (0, 0, 1)
focus (0, 0, 0)
viewUp (0, 1, 0)
viewAngle 30
setScale 0
parallelScale 1
nearPlane 0.001
farPlane 100
imagePan (0, 0)
imageZoom 1
perspective 1
windowCoords (0, 0, 1, 1)
viewportCoords (0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9)
eyeAngle 2

View2D: View2DAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
windowCoords (0, 1, 0, 1)
viewportCoords (0.2, 0.95, 0.15, 0.95)
fullFrameActivationMode Auto, On, Off
fullFrameAutoThreshold 100
windowValid 0

View3D: View3DAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
viewNormal (0, 0, 1)
focus (0, 0, 0)
viewUp (0, 1, 0)
viewAngle 30
parallelScale 0.5
nearPlane -0.5
farPlane 0.5
imagePan (0, 0)
imageZoom 1
perspective 1
eyeAngle 2
centerOfRotationSet 0
centerOfRotation (0, 0, 0)
axis3DScaleFlag 0
axis3DScales (1, 1, 1)
shear (0, 0, 1)
windowValid 0

ViewAxisArray: ViewAxisArrayAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
domainCoords (0, 1)
rangeCoords (0, 1)
viewportCoords (0.15, 0.9, 0.1, 0.85)

ViewCurve: ViewCurveAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
domainCoords (0, 1)
rangeCoords (0, 1)
viewportCoords (0.2, 0.95, 0.15, 0.95)
domainScale LINEAR, LOG
rangeScale LINEAR, LOG

Volume: VolumeAttributes()

Attribute Default/Allowed Values
osprayShadowsEnabledFlag 0
osprayUseGridAcceleratorFlag 0
osprayPreIntegrationFlag 0
ospraySingleShadeFlag 0
osprayOneSidedLightingFlag 0
osprayAoTransparencyEnabledFlag 0
ospraySpp 1
osprayAoSamples 0
osprayAoDistance 100000
osprayMinContribution 0.001
legendFlag 1
lightingFlag 1
colorControlPoints.GetControlPoints(0).colors (0, 0, 255, 255)
colorControlPoints.GetControlPoints(0).position 0
colorControlPoints.GetControlPoints(1).colors (0, 255, 255, 255)
colorControlPoints.GetControlPoints(1).position 0.25
colorControlPoints.GetControlPoints(2).colors (0, 255, 0, 255)
colorControlPoints.GetControlPoints(2).position 0.5
colorControlPoints.GetControlPoints(3).colors (255, 255, 0, 255)
colorControlPoints.GetControlPoints(3).position 0.75
colorControlPoints.GetControlPoints(4).colors (255, 0, 0, 255)
colorControlPoints.GetControlPoints(4).position 1
colorControlPoints.smoothing Linear, None, CubicSpline
colorControlPoints.equalSpacingFlag 0
colorControlPoints.discreteFlag 0
colorControlPoints.categoryName “”
opacityAttenuation 1
opacityMode FreeformMode, GaussianMode, ColorTableMode
  controlPoints does not contain any GaussianControlPoint objects.
resampleFlag 1
resampleTarget 1000000
opacityVariable “default”
compactVariable “default”
freeformOpacity (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255)
useColorVarMin 0
colorVarMin 0
useColorVarMax 0
colorVarMax 0
useOpacityVarMin 0
opacityVarMin 0
useOpacityVarMax 0
opacityVarMax 0
smoothData 0
samplesPerRay 500
rendererType Default, RayCasting, RayCastingIntegration, RayCastingSLIVR, RayCastingOSPRay
gradientType SobelOperator, CenteredDifferences
scaling Linear, Log, Skew
skewFactor 1
limitsMode OriginalData, CurrentPlot
sampling Rasterization, KernelBased, Trilinear
rendererSamples 3
lowGradientLightingReduction Lower, Off, Lowest, Low, Medium, High, Higher, Highest
lowGradientLightingClampFlag 0
lowGradientLightingClampValue 1
materialProperties (0.4, 0.75, 0, 15)