5.1. Setup

5.1.1. Masonry Scripts

The masonry scripts are bundled with VisIt’s source code. You will need to download the source code and extract masonry from visit/src/tools/dev. There are a few options for downloading the source code. If you want a released version of VisIt then go to the source code downloads page and look for the VisIt sources link. The other option is to download from the git repository. Once you have the source code, copy visit/src/tools/dev/masonry to a location of your choosing.

5.1.2. Configuration

  1. In the opts directory copy one of the *.json files and rename it as desired. For example: cp mb-3.1.1-darwin-10.14-x86_64-release.json mb-3.1.2-darwin-10.14-x86_64-release.json
  2. Open the JSON configuration file (see Figure 5.36) created in step 1 and modify or add the following options as needed:
arch: required
The build architecture (e.g., darwin-x86_64).
boost_dir: optional
The path to boost if installed on your system. This also triggers the setting of two CMake options (VISIT_USE_BOOST:BOOL and BOOST_ROOT:PATH).
branch: required
The git branch to checkout and build.
build_dir: optional
The directory to place all of the files generated from the build process. If this option isn’t specified the build directory will default to build-<json_base> (e.g., build-mb-3.1.2-darwin-10.14-x86_64-release) in your current working directory.
build_types: required
A list of builds for masonry to create.
build_visit: required

Allows you to set the build_visit options.

cmake_ver: required - the CMake version to use

args: optional - arguments for build_visits

libs: optional - third-party libraries to build

make_flags: optional - Make flags

build_xdb: optional
Set the VISIT_ENABLE_XDB:BOOL option to ON if true.
cert: required for signing/notarization
The Developer ID signing certificate Common Name.
cmake_extra_args: optional
Specify extra arguments for CMake.
config_site: optional
Specify a path for the config site file.
cxx_compiler: optional
Specify the C++ compiler
c_compiler: optional
Specify the C compiler
entitlements: required for notarization
Specify the location of VisIt’s entitlements file. The one used for VisIt releases is located in the opts directory and is named visit.entitlements. See Hardened Runtime for more details on entitlements.
force_clean: optional
Removes all files and directories from your build folder.
git: required

mode: required - set this option to ssh or https

git_uname: optional - github username

depth: optional - specify an integer value for a shallow clone with a history truncated to the specified number of commits.

make_nthreads: optional
The number of parallel threads to use when building the source code.
notarize: required for notarization

Specify the options needed for notarization.

username: - Apple ID email

password: - App-specific password or keychain string containing the App-specific password

asc_provider: - Provider short name

bundle_id: - VisIt’s bundle identifier

platform: optional
Specify the platform (osx or linux)
skip_checkout: optional
if you have to restart masonry and already have the source code checked out you can skip that step by setting this option to yes.
tarball: optional
Specify the path to the source tar file. This option is currently not being used.
version: required
The version of VisIt you are building.

Fig. 5.36 Masonry’s JSON config file

5.1.3. Signing macOS Builds

To code sign your VisIt build, you must be enrolled in the Apple Developer Program and have a valid Developer ID certificate. Below are simple steps to get started, reference the links for more detailed information.

  1. Enroll in the Apple Developer Program, if needed, and create your Developer ID certificates.
  2. Install Apple certificates into your keychain
    • From Xcode go to the account preferences (Xcode->Preferences->Account) and select the Manage Certificates… button.
    • Click the + to add your certificates (see Figure 5.37).
  3. Add the Developer ID signing certificate Common Name to the cert option in the masonry JSON configuration file.

Fig. 5.37 Xcode Manage Certificates Dialog


Remain disconnected from VPN when building and code signing a VisIt release. The code signing process talks to Apple servers and validates credentials with them. If you are on VPN, the validation may fail with a message similar to:

Certificate trust evaluation did not return expected result. (5)  [leaf AnchorApple ChainLength CheckIntermediateMarkerOid CheckLeafMarkersProdAndQA]
Certificate trust evaluation for api.apple-cloudkit.com did not return expected result. No error..
Certificate trust evaluation did not return expected result. (5)  [leaf AnchorApple ChainLength CheckIntermediateMarkerOid CheckLeafMarkersProdAndQA]
Certificate trust evaluation for api.apple-cloudkit.com did not return expected result. No error..
Could not establish secure connection to api.apple-cloudkit.com

5.1.4. App-Specific Password

To create an app-specific password go to: https://appleid.apple.com/account/manage . Generate the app-specific password by navigating to: Security->App-Specific Password.

To avoid having a plain-text password in your config file, you can add the app-specific password to your macOS keychain. To do this, run the following command:

security add-generic-password -a "apple-id-email" -w "app-specific password" -s "notarizing-name"

The -s parameter is the name that this item will have in your keychain. Apple’s documentation on Customizing the Notarization Workflow provides a good overview of the notarization process and a link detailing how to generate and manage app-specific passwords.