20. Updating Plugins

When modifying existing plugins, keep in mind that there are certain files that have an automated re-generation process. These include CMakeLists.txt, PluginInfo, and (for Plots and Operators) Attributes (cpp, python, java). Being able to regenerate these files aids in future maintenance when the API needs to be changed for all plugins.

20.1. CMakeLists.txt

Regeneration of CMakeLists.txt is handled by the xml2cmake XML Tool. Most changes to CMakeLists.txt can be handled by modifying/adding the necessary tags to the plugin’s .xml file. Some tags have an optional components attribute that specifies for which component the tag applies. Multiple components can be specified in a single tag, and must be comma separated. If no components attribute is specified, the tag will be applied to all components.

Component Short name used in xml file
Engine(both Serial and Parallel) E
Serial Engine only ESer
Parallel Engine only EPar
MDServer M
Python scripting S
Viewer V
Widgets W
Widgets for viewer VW

Here is a list of most often updated tags:

Tag Purpose Supported components
CXXFLAGS Include directories M,ESer,EPar
DEFINES Compile-time/preprocessor definitions M,ESer,EPar
LDFLAGS Link flags, link directories M,ESer,EPar
LIBS Link libraries G,M,ESer,EPar,V
Files Files to compile All
WIN32DEFINES Windows specific definitions None, always applies to all

xml2cmake also supports the Conditional addition of an include directory, definition, link library or source file. The condition is a CMake variable that describes something related to the build: e.g. an OS-specification (WIN32, LINUX, MACOS), the availability of a third-party library (HAVE_CONDUIT) or a build option that can be toggled on/off (VISIT_OSPRAY). Conditionals must be specified in the .code file with Target specified as xml2cmake, as seen in the code file for the Volume plot:

Target: xml2cmake
Condition: VISIT_SLIVR
Definitions: -DVISIT_SLIVR

Target: xml2cmake
Condition:       VISIT_OSPRAY
Includes:        ${OSPRAY_INCLUDE_DIR}
VLinkLibraries:  ${OSPRAY_LIBRARIES}
ELinkLibraries:  ${OSPRAY_LIBRARIES}

These conditionals create these lines in the CMakeLists.txt:

        ADD_LIBRARY(SVolumePlot ${LIBS_SOURCES})
            # This prevents python from #defining snprintf as _snprintf
        TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(SVolumePlot visitcommon visitpy ${PYTHON_LIBRARY})


20.2. Info files

Regeneration of Info files is handled by the xml2info XML Tool.

Changes to Info files should be placed in the plugin’s .code file with the Target specified as xml2info, and a corresponding Function tag placed in the .xml file.

For instance, if an operator’s Filter becomes useful elsewhere in VisIt, it may be moved out of the operator’s directory and into src/avt/Filters. In which case, a custom method for allcoating the filter must be created, as was done for the Displace operator. Here is the Displace operator’s code file:

Target: xml2info
Function: DisplaceEnginePluginInfo::AllocAvtPluginFilter
Declaration: virtual avtPluginFilter *AllocAvtPluginFilter();
// ****************************************************************************
//  Method: DisplaceEnginePluginInfo::AllocAvtPluginFilter
//  Purpose:
//    Return a pointer to a newly allocated avtPluginFilter.
//  Returns:    A pointer to the newly allocated avtPluginFilter.
//  Programmer: childs -- generated by xml2info
//  Creation:   Fri May 18 16:05:37 PST 2007
//  Modifications:
//    Hank Childs, Fri May 18 16:01:06 PDT 2007
//    Forced to hand-edit return of avtDisplacePluginFilter ... not
//    avtDisplaceFilter.
// ****************************************************************************
#include <avtDisplacePluginFilter.h>
avtPluginFilter *
    return new avtDisplacePluginFilter;

and the corresponding entry in the .xml file

      <Function name="DisplaceEnginePluginInfo::AllocAvtPluginFilter" user="false" member="true">

20.3. Attributes

Regeneration of Attributes is handled by three XML Tools: one for cpp files (xml2atts), one for python (xml2python) and one for java (xml2java).

If fields are removed or renamed, custom ProcessOldVersions (cpp) and getattr/setattr (python) methods should be created for temporary support of the old fields saved in config/session files and python scripts. The VISIT_OBSOLETE_AT_VERSION macro must be used to specify a version number where support for the old fields will be completely removed from VisIt, at least 2 point releases or later from the version where the removal/renaming occurs. A deprecation message should be issued from both the cpp and python code. Cpp code has a default ‘DeprecationMessage’ method. For a removed field, it takes as arguments: the name of the removed field, the version where it will be completely unsupported. The arguments for a renamed field: the old field name, the new field name, the version where the old name will be completely unsupported.

Here is an example from the WellBore plot, which had a field removed in version 3.0.0

Here’s code file for the cpp change:

Target: xml2atts
Function: ProcessOldVersions
Declaration: virtual void ProcessOldVersions(DataNode *parentNode, const char *configVersion);
// ****************************************************************************
// Method: WellBoreAttributes::ProcessOldVersions
// Purpose:
//   This method allows handling of older config/session files that may
//   contain fields that are no longer present or have been modified/renamed.
// Programmer: Kathleen Biagas
// Creation:   April 4, 2018
// Modifications:
// ****************************************************************************
#include <visit-config.h>
#ifdef VIEWER
#include <avtCallback.h>

WellBoreAttributes::ProcessOldVersions(DataNode *parentNode,
                                    const char *configVersion)
#error This code is obsolete in this version. Please remove it.
    if(parentNode == 0)

    DataNode *searchNode = parentNode->GetNode("WellBoreAttributes");
    if(searchNode == 0)

    if (VersionLessThan(configVersion, "3.0.0"))
        if (searchNode->GetNode("wellLineStyle") != 0)
#ifdef VIEWER
            avtCallback::IssueWarning(DeprecationMessage("wellLineStyle", "3.3.2"));

Now for the python getattr and setattr methods:

Target: xml2python
Code: PyWellBoreAttributes_getattr
#error This code is obsolete in this version. Please remove it.
    // Try and handle legacy fields

    //  Removed in 3.0.0
    // wellLineStyle and it's possible enumerations
    bool wellLineStyleFound = false;
    if (strcmp(name, "wellLineStyle") == 0)
        wellLineStyleFound = true;
    else if (strcmp(name, "SOLID") == 0)
        wellLineStyleFound = true;
    else if (strcmp(name, "DASH") == 0)
        wellLineStyleFound = true;
    else if (strcmp(name, "DOT") == 0)
        wellLineStyleFound = true;
    else if (strcmp(name, "DOTDASH") == 0)
        wellLineStyleFound = true;

    if (wellLineStyleFound)
            "wellLineStyle is no longer a valid WellBore "
            "attribute.\nIt's value is being ignored, please remove "
            "it from your script.\n", 3);
        return PyInt_FromLong(0L);

Code: PyWellBoreAttributes_setattr
#error This code is obsolete in this version. Please remove it.
    // Try and handle legacy fields
    if(obj == &NULL_PY_OBJ)
        //  Removed in 3.0.0
        if(strcmp(name, "wellLineStyle") == 0)
            PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "'wellLineStyle' is obsolete. It is being ignored.", 3);
            obj = Py_None;

Important: Changes to fields in the Attributes are not allowed in patch releases, as it may cause incompatibility between client and server running different patches of the same major.minor release.