21. Contributing

This is a short contributing guide on the VisIt_ project’s use of Sphinx for documentation.

You can check out the Sphinx manual with:

svn co svn+ssh://<USERNAME>@edison.nersc.gov/project/projectdirs/visit/svn/visit/trunk/docs/SphynxDocs

If you have Sphinx You can build the html manual locally using the command:

sphinx-build -b html . _build -a

You can then browse the root of the manual by pointing your browser to ./_build/index.html. The -a forces a re-build of everything. Remove it when you are constantly revising and rebuilding.

Your changes to any .rst files in visit/src/doc will go live here soon after you push them. If RTD resources are busy, a rebuild of the docs may take as long as 15 minutes. If you are working on a branch and want to see your branch’s docs rendered and you yourself do not have access to the RTD account that controls this, you may ask another developer who does to activate your branch there. Once the branch is merged, it should be deactivated on RTD.

21.1. Quick Reference

Note that the original source of most of the content here is the OpenOffice document produced with heroic effort by Brad Whitlock. A conversion tool was used to move most of the content there to Sphinx. As such, most of the Sphinx usage conventions adopted here were driven by whatever the conversion tool produced. There are numerous opportunities for adjusting this to make better use of Sphinx as we move forward. These are discussed at the end of this section.

  • A few documents about reStructuredText and Sphinx are useful:

  • Sphinx uses blank lines as block separators and 2 or 4 spaces of indentation to guide parsing and interpretation of content. So, be sure to pay careful attention to blank lines and indentation. They are not there merely for style. They need to be there for Sphinx to parse and interpret the content correctly.

  • Line breaks within reStructuredText inline markup constructs often cause build errors.

  • Create headings by a sequence of separator characters immediately underneath and the same length as the heading. Different types of separator characters define different levels of headings

    First Level Heading
    This is an example of some text under the heading...
    Second Level Heading
    This is an example of some text under the heading...
    Third Level Heading
    This is an example of some text under the heading...
    Fourth level heading
    This is an example of some text under the heading...

    yields these headings…

  • If you want to divide sections and subsections across multiple .rst files, you can link them together using the .. toctree:: directive as is done for example in the section on VisIt_ Plots

    This chapter explains the concept of a plot and goes into detail
    about each of VisIt's different plot types.
    .. toctree::
        :maxdepth: 1

    Note that the files listed in the .. toctree:: block do not include their .rst extensions.

  • Do not break full sentences by wrapping them on arbitrary column boundaries. Instead, keep each full sentence to its own single line, regardless of line length.

  • Avoid contractions such as isn't, can't and you've.

  • Avoid hyphenation of words.

  • Use VisIt_ or VisIt_'s when referring to VisIt_ by name.

  • Use upper case for all letters in acronyms (IDE, GUI)

  • Use case conventions of product names (MPI, VTK, QuickTime, TotalView, Valgrind).

  • Bracket word(s) with one star (*word*) for italics.

  • Bracket word(s) with two stars (**some words**) for bold.

  • Bracket word(s) with two backticks (``some words``) for literal.

  • Bracketed word(s) should not span line breaks.

  • Use literals for code, commands, arguments, file names, etc.

  • Use bold to refer to VisIt_ Widget, Operator or Plot names and other named objects part of VisIt_’s interface(s).

  • Avoid use of bold for other purposes. Instead use italics.

  • Use the following terminology when referring to widget names.

  • Use :term:`glossary term` at least for the first use of a glossary term in a section.

  • Use :abbr:`ABR (Long Form)` at least for the first use of an acronym or abbreviation in a section.

  • Subscripting, H2O, and superscripting, E = mc2, are supported:

    Subscripting, H\ :sub:`2`\ O, and superscripting, E = mc\ :sup:`2`, are supported

    Note the use of backslashed spaces so Sphinx treats it all as one word.

  • Use .. figure:: and not .. image::, include captions with figures and use :scale: P % to adjust image size where needed (see more below).

  • LaTeX style equations can be included too (see below).

  • Spell checking is supported too (see below) but you need to have PyEnchant and sphinx-contrib.spelling installed.

  • Link checking is also supported (see link checking).

  • Begin a line with .. followed by space for single line comments:

    .. this is a single line comment
        This is a multi-line
  • Define anchors ahead of sections or paragraphs you want to cross reference:

    .. _my_anchor:
    Section Heading

    Note that the leading underscore is not part of the anchor name.

  • Make anchor names unique over all pages of documentation by using the convention of prepending heading and subheading names.

  • Link to anchors within this documentation like this one:

    Link to anchors *within* this documentation like :ref:`this one <my_anchor>`
  • Link to other documents elsewhere online like visitusers.org:

    Link to other documents elsewhere online like
    `visitusers.org <https://www.visitusers.org/>`_
  • Link to numbered figures or tables within this documentation like Fig. 21.2:

    Link to *numbered* figures or tables *within* this documentation like
    :numref:`Fig. %s <my_figure2>`
  • Link to a downloadable file within this documentation like this one:

    Link to a downloadable file *within* this documentation like
    :download:`this one <../Quantitative/VerdictManual-revA.pdf>`
  • Link to different URLs with same link text in same .rst file. Sometimes you might wind up using the same phrase in a .rst file that is linked to different URLs. When you do, you will get a warning such as WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name.... For example if you have one example and another example. To correct this, you need to add an extra underscore to the end of the link as in:

    For example, if you have one `example <http://www.llnl.gov>`__ and
    another `example <http://www.llnl.gov>`__.
  • If you are having trouble getting the formatting for a section worked out and the time involved to re-gen the documentation is too much, you could try an on-line, real-time reStructuredText Renderer to quickly try different things and see how they work.

21.2. About Line Length

When we originally converted from OpenOffice to Sphinx, we decided to restrict line lengths to 80 columns. More recently, we’ve decided that we should not impose any absolute character count on line length and instead adopt the practice of a single sentence per line. Some lines will be very short. Other lines can be very long, especially if they include long URLs like this one. There are many advantages to using a single sentence per line mostly having to do with the way diffing tools compute and display diffs.

This practice, of course, does not apply to source code. It applies only to ascii files that are intended to represent, more or less, human readable prose. Going forward, we will not reformat existing documentation to a sentence per line en masse. However, when updates to documentation are made we will encourage developers to follow this practice and request changes in PRs when it is not followed.

21.3. More on Images

Try to use PNG formatted images. We plan to use the Sphinx generated documentation both for online HTML and for printed PDF. So, images sizes cannot be too big or they will slow HTML loads but not so small they are unusable in PDF.

Some image formats wind up enforcing physical dimensions instead of just pixel dimensions. This can have the effect of causing a nicely sized image (from pixel dimensions perspective anyways), to either be unusually large or unusually small in HTML or PDF output. In these cases, you can use the Sphinx :scale: and :width: or :height: options for a .. figure:: block. Also, be sure to use a .. figure:: directive instead of an .. image:: directive for embedding images. This is because the .. figure:: directive also supports anchoring for cross referencing.

Although all images get copied into a common directory during generation, Sphinx takes care of remapping names so there is no need to worry about collisions in image file names potentially used in different subdirectories within the source tree.

An ordinary image…

.. figure:: images/array_compose_with_bins.png

Same image with :scale: 50% option

.. figure:: images/array_compose_with_bins.png
   :scale: 50%

Same image with an anchor for cross referencing…

.. _my_figure:

.. figure:: images/array_compose_with_bins.png
   :scale: 50%

which can now be cross referenced using an inline Fig. 21.1 like so…

Which can now be cross referenced using an inline :numref:`Fig. %s <my_figure>`
like so...

Note the anchor has a leading underscore which the reference does not include.

Same image (different anchor though because anchors need to be unique) with a caption.

.. _my_figure2:

.. figure:: images/array_compose_with_bins.png
   :scale: 50%

   Here is a caption for the figure.

Fig. 21.2 Here is a caption for the figure.

Note that the figure label (e.g. Fig 20.2) will not appear if there is no caption.

21.4. Tables

Sphinx supports a variety of mechanisms for defining tables. The conversion tool used to convert this documentation from its original OpenOffice format converted all tables to the grid style of table which is kinda sorta like ascii art. Large tables can result in individual lines that span many widths of the editor window. It is cumbersome to deal with but rich in capabilities. Often, the best answer is to NOT use tables and instead use definition lists as is used in the documentation on expressions.

21.5. Math

We add the Sphinx builtin extension sphinx.ext.mathjax to the extensions variable in conf.py. This allows Sphinx to use mathjax to do LaTeX like math equations in our documentation. For example, this LaTeX code




You can find a few examples in Expressions. Search there for :math:. Also, this LaTeX Wiki page has a lot of useful information on various math symbols available in LaTeX and this wiki book has a lot of guidance on constructing math equations with LaTeX.

21.6. Spell Checking Using Aspell

You can do a pretty good job of spell checking using the Unix/Linux aspell command.

  1. Run aspell looking for candidate miss-spelled words.

    find . -name '*.rst' -exec cat {} \; | \
    grep -v '^ *.. image:\|figure:\|code:\|_' | \
    tr '`' '@' | sed -e 's/\(@.*@\)//' | \
    aspell -p ./aspell.en.pws list | \
    sort | uniq > maybe_bad.out

    The find command will find all .rst files. Succeeding grep, tr and sed pipes filter some of the .rst syntax away. The final pipe through aspell uses the personal word list (also called the personal dictionary) option, -p ./aspell.en.pws (note: the ./ is critical so don’t ignore it), to specify a file containing a list of words we allow that aspell would otherwise flag as incorrect. The sort and uniq pipes ensure the result doesn’t contain duplicates. But, be aware that a given miss-spelling can have multiple occurrences. The whole process produces a list of candidate miss-spelled words in maybe_bad.out.

  2. Examine maybe_bad.out for words that you think are correctly spelled. If you find any, remove them from maybe_bad.out and add them to the end of aspell.en.pws being careful to update the total word count in the first line of file where, for example 572 is the word count shown in that line, personal_ws-1.1 en 572 when this was written.

  3. To find instances of remaining (miss-spelled words), use the following command.

    find . -name '*.rst' -exec grep -wnHFf maybe_bad.out {} \;
  4. It may be necessary to iterate through these steps a few times to find and correct all the miss-spellings.

It would be nice to create a make spellcheck target that does much of the above automatically. However, that involves implementing the above steps as a cmake program and involves more effort than available when this was implemented.

21.8. Previewing Branch Changes on ReadTheDocs

Even with the ability to run sphinx-build locally or as an alternative to running it locally, it is often convenient to be able to preview documentation changes being made on a branch directly on ReadTheDocs.

In order to do this, the branch with the changes needs to be made active on the ReadTheDocs project where the VisIt_ user manuals are hosted. Anyone who is a maintainer in the project can do this. To become a maintainer, email any of the existing maintainers your ReadTheDocs username and ask them to add you. Once the branch is activated on ReadTheDocs, it may take some time for the documentation on the branch to be generated. The resulting docs will be browseable on ReadTheDocs with a URL of the form https://visit-sphinx-github-user-manual.readthedocs.io/en/<branch-name>/

Be aware that if you are doing anything on the branch that could cause generation to fail (e.g. changing conf.py), you will need to examine the build logs on ReadTheDocs to diagnose the cause.

Please clean up after yourself when you are done working with the branch. To do this, first wipe the branch (removes the generated version) on ReadTheDocs and then deactivate it.

21.9. Things To Consider Going Forward

  • Decide what to do about compound words such as timestep, time step or time-step. There are many instances to consider such as keyframe, checkbox, pulldown, submenu, sublauncher, etc.
  • Need to populate glossary with more VisIt_ specific terms such as…
  • Mixed materials, Species, OnionPeel, Mesh, Viewer, cycle, timestep Client-server, CMFE, Zone-centering, Node-centering, etc.
  • Decide upon and then make consistent the usage of terms like zone/cell/element and node/point/vertex

  • We will need to support versions of the manual with each release. RTD can do that. We just need to implement it.

    • If we have tagged content, then those would also represent different versions of the manual.
  • All VisIt_ manuals should probably be hosted at a URL like visit.readthedocs.io and from there users can find manuals for GUI, CLI Getting Data Into VisIt_, etc.

  • Additional features of Sphinx to consider adopting…

    • :guilable: role for referring to GUI widgets.

    • :command: role for OS level commands.

    • :file: role for referring to file names.

    • :menuselection: role for referring to widget paths in GUI menus. Example: Controls ‣ View ‣ Advanced.

    • :kbd: role for specifying a sequence of key strokes.

    • .. deprecated:: directive for deprecated functionality

    • .. versionadded:: directive for new functionality

    • .. versionchanged:: directive for when functionality changed

    • .. note::, .. warning:: and/or .. danger:: directives to call attention to the reader.

    • .. only:: directives for audience specific (e.g. tagged) content

      • Could use to also include developer related content but have it not appear in the user manual output
    • .. seealso:: directive for references

    • Substitutions for names of products and projects we refer to frequently such as VTK or VisIt_ (as is used throughout this section) or for frequently used text such as Viewer Window:

      Substitutions for names of products and projects we refer to frequently
      such as VTK_ or VisIt_ (as is used throughout this section) or for
      frequently used text such as |viswin|.

      with the following substitutions defined:

      .. _VisIt: https://visit.llnl.gov
      .. _VTK: https://www.vtk.org
      .. |viswin| replace:: **Viewer Window**

      Note that the .. _VisIt: ... substitution is already defined for the whole doctree in the rst_prolog variable in conf.py.

  • Possible method for embedding python code to generate and capture images (both of the GUI and visualization images produced by VisIt_) automatically
    • With the following pieces….
      • VisIt_ python CLI
      • pyscreenshot
      • A minor adjustment to VisIt_ GUI to allow a python CLI instance which used OpenGUI(args...) to inform the GUI that widgets are to be raised/mapped on state changes.
    • We can include python code directly in these .rst documents (prefaced by .. only:: directives to ensure the code does not actually appear in the generated manual) that does the work and just slurp this code out of these documents to actually run for automatic image generation.
      • Generate and save VisIt_ visualization images.
      • Use diffs on screen captured images to grab and even annotate images of GUI widgets.
import pyscreenshot
import PIL

# The arg (not yet implemented) sets flag in GUI to map windows
# on state changes
base_gui_image = pyscreenshot.grab()


# Save VisIt rendered image for manual

# Change something in PC atts to force it to map
pcatts = PseudocolorAttributes()
pcatts.colorTableName = 'Blue'
SetPlotOptions(pcatts) # Causes widget to map due to state change
pcatts.colorTableName = 'hot'
SetPlotOptions(pcatts) # Causes widget to map due to state change
gui_image = pyscreenshot.grab()

# Save image of VisIt PC Attr window
#   - computes diff between gui_image and base_gui_image, bounding box
#   - around it and then saves that bounding box from gui_image
diff_bbox = BBoxedDiffImage(gui_image, gui_image_base)
SaveBBoxedImage(gui_image, diff_bbox, 'Plots/PlotTypes/Pseudocolor/images/pcatts_window.png')

# Make a change to another PC att, capture and save it
pcatts.limitsMode = pcatts.ActualData
SetPlotOptions(pcatts) # Causes widget to map due to state change
gui_image = pyscreenshot.grab()
SaveBBoxedImage(gui_image, diff_bbox, 'Plots/PlotTypes/Pseudocolor/images/pcatts_limit_mode_window.png')