18.3. Common Build Scenarios

Building VisIt is an involved process and even with build_visit, just determining the correct selection of options can sometimes be daunting. To help, here are the steps used to build VisIt on a collection of different platforms that may serve as a starting point for your system.

In each of the scenarios below, the result is a distribution file that can be used with visit-install to install VisIt. Furthermore, in all these scenarios, build_visit was used to build the third party libraries and the initial config site file. VisIt was then manually built as outlined by doing an out of source build. The advantage to building VisIt manually is that you have more control over the build and its easier to troubleshoot failures. The advantage to an out of source build is that you can easily restart the build simply by deleting the build directory.

18.3.1. Kickit, a RedHat Enterprise Linux 7 system

build_visit was run to generate the third party libraries. In this case all the required and optional libraries build without problem, so --required --optional could be used.

./build_visit3_0_0b --required --optional --no-visit \
--thirdparty-path /usr/gapps/visit/thirdparty_shared/3.0.0b --makeflags -j4

This built the third party libraries and generated a kickit.cmake config site file. The Setup VISITHOME & VISITARCH variables. section was changed to

## Setup VISITHOME & VISITARCH variables.
SET(VISITHOME /usr/gapps/visit/thirdparty_shared/3.0.0b)
SET(VISITARCH linux-x86_64_gcc-4.8)

VisIt was then manually built with the following steps.

tar zxf visit3.0.0b.tar.gz
cp kickit.cmake visit3.0.0b/src/config-site
cd visit3.0.0b
mkdir build
cd build
/usr/gapps/visit/thirdparty_shared/3.0.0b/cmake/3.9.3/linux-x86_64_gcc-4.8/bin/cmake \
make -j 4 package

18.3.2. Quartz, a Linux X86_64 TOSS3 cluster

build_visit was run to generate the third party libraries. In this case the system MPI was used, so information about the system MPI had to be provided with environment variables and the --parallel flag had to be specified. In this case, all the required and optional third party libraries build without problem, so --required --optional could be used. Also, the system OpenGL implementation was outdated and --mesagl had to be included to provide an OpenGL implementation suitable for VisIt. Lastly, the Uintah library was built to enable building the Uintah reader.

env PAR_COMPILER=/usr/tce/packages/mvapich2/mvapich2-2.2-gcc-4.9.3/bin/mpicc \
    PAR_COMPILER_CXX=/usr/tce/packages/mvapich2/mvapich2-2.2-gcc-4.9.3/bin/mpicxx \
    PAR_INCLUDE=-I/usr/tce/packages/mvapich2/mvapich2-2.2-gcc-4.9.3/include \
    PAR_LIBS=-lmpl \
./build_visit3_0_0b --required --optional --mesagl --uintah --parallel \
--no-visit --thirdparty-path /usr/workspace/wsa/visit/visit/thirdparty_shared/3.0.0b/toss3 \
--makeflags -j16

This built the third party libraries and generated a quartz386.cmake config site file. The Setup VISITHOME & VISITARCH variables. section was changed to

## Setup VISITHOME & VISITARCH variables.
SET(VISITHOME /usr/gapps/visit/thirdparty_shared/3.0.0b)
SET(VISITARCH linux-x86_64_gcc-4.8)

The Parallel build Setup. section was changed to

## Parallel Build Setup.
VISIT_OPTION_DEFAULT(VISIT_MPI_CXX_FLAGS -I/usr/tce/packages/mvapich2/mvapich2-2.2-gcc-4.9.3/include TYPE STRING)
VISIT_OPTION_DEFAULT(VISIT_MPI_C_FLAGS   -I/usr/tce/packages/mvapich2/mvapich2-2.2-gcc-4.9.3/include TYPE STRING)
VISIT_OPTION_DEFAULT(VISIT_MPI_LD_FLAGS  "-L/usr/tce/packages/mvapich2/mvapich2-2.2-gcc-4.9.3/lib -Wl,-rpath=/usr/tce/packages/mvapich2/mvapich2-2.2-gcc-4.9.3/lib" TYPE STRING)
VISIT_OPTION_DEFAULT(VISIT_PARALLEL_RPATH  "/usr/tce/packages/mvapich2/mvapich2-2.2-gcc-4.9.3/lib")

VisIt was then manually built with the following steps.

tar zxf visit3.0.0b.tar.gz
cp kickit.cmake visit3.0.0b/src/config-site
cd visit3.0.0b
mkdir build
cd build
/usr/workspace/wsa/visit/visit/thirdparty_shared/3.0.0b/toss3/cmake/3.9.3/linux-x86_64_gcc-4.9/bin/cmake \
make -j 16 package

18.3.3. Lassen, a Linux Power9 BlueOS cluster

build_visit was run to generate the third party libraries. In this case the system MPI was used, so information about the system MPI had to be provided with environment variables and the --parallel flag had to be specified. In this case, a few of the optional third party libraries do not build on the system so all the desired optional third party libraries had to be explicitly listed. Also, the system OpenGL implementation was outdated and --mesagl had to be included to provide an OpenGL implementation suitable for VisIt. Lastly, the Uintah library was built to enable building the Uintah reader.

env PAR_COMPILER=/usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release-gcc-4.9.3/bin/mpicc \
 PAR_COMPILER_CXX=/usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release-gcc-4.9.3/bin/mpicxx \
 PAR_INCLUDE=-I/usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/include \
 ./build_visit3_0_0b \
 --no-thirdparty --no-visit \
 --cmake --python --vtk --qt --qwt \
 --adios --adios2 --advio --boost --cfitsio --cgns --conduit \
 --gdal --glu --h5part --hdf5 --icet --llvm --mfem \
 --mili --moab --mxml --netcdf --openssl --p7zip --pidx \
 --silo --szip --vtkm --vtkh --xdmf --zlib \
 --mesagl --uintah --parallel \
 --thirdparty-path /usr/workspace/wsa/visit/visit/thirdparty_shared/3.0.0b/blueos \
 --makeflags -j16

This built the third party libraries and generated a lassen708.cmake config site file. The Setup VISITHOME & VISITARCH variables. section was changed to

## Setup VISITHOME & VISITARCH variables.
SET(VISITHOME /usr/workspace/wsa/visit/visit/thirdparty_shared/3.0.0b/blueos)
SET(VISITARCH linux-ppc64le_gcc-4.9)

The Parallel build Setup. section was changed to

## Parallel Build Setup.
VISIT_OPTION_DEFAULT(VISIT_MPI_CXX_FLAGS -I/usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/include TYPE STRING)
VISIT_OPTION_DEFAULT(VISIT_MPI_C_FLAGS   -I/usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/include TYPE STRING)
VISIT_OPTION_DEFAULT(VISIT_MPI_LD_FLAGS  "-L/usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib -Wl,-rpath=/usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib" TYPE STRING)
VISIT_OPTION_DEFAULT(VISIT_PARALLEL_RPATH  "/usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib")

VisIt was then manually built with the following steps.

tar zxf visit3.0.0b.tar.gz
cp kickit.cmake visit3.0.0b/src/config-site
cd visit3.0.0b
mkdir build
cd build
/usr/workspace/wsa/visit/visit/thirdparty_shared/3.0.0b/blueos/cmake/3.9.3/linux-ppc64le_gcc-4.9/bin/cmake \
make -j 16 package